ACTION-299: Create a Contact Saving Editor's Draft

I've uploaded a first editor's draft of a 'Contact Blob Writer' 

This improves and formalizes the initial writeback proposal that was 
distributed on the mailing list [1].

To summarize, this API consists of one method that allows a developer to 
create a Contact Blob, reusing the Contact properties available in the 
accompanying Contact Reader API [2]. This Contact Blob can then be 
turned in to a Blob URI with the createObjectURL() method provided in 
the File API [3].

When this Blob URI is assigned to e.g. an anchor tag it can be 
downloaded to the user's device. Alternatively or 
document.location.href (as examples) could be used to download the 
Contact Blob.

Which application handles the downloaded blob contents is beyond the 
scope of this specification but the valid Content Blob media types that 
have been included are intended to play nicely with existing and legacy 

Let me know what you think and let's discuss in the coming days.

- Rich

Tracker, this completes ACTION-299.




Received on Monday, 8 November 2010 14:57:44 UTC