Agenda - Distributed Meeting 2010-05-04

Agenda — Device APIs and Policy Working Group — Distributed Meeting    
#26  2010-05-05

Meeting details at the bottom of this email.

1) Welcome, agenda review, scribe selection
  • Note any additions or changes to agenda
  • Select scribe: <>

2) Announcements, meeting planning, logistics

Call for Exclusions, System Info API

3) Minutes approval

  • 28 April 2010


4) Policy requirements and framework

Status and Next Steps



5) Privacy requirements and rulesets

Status and next steps

6)  APIs - SysInfo

(it would be great to close these this week):

  * orientation: are 4 positions enough? Consensus seems to be yes.

  * keep current list of camera properties? supportsVideo, hasFlash,  
sensorPixels, maxZoomFactor

  * add new sensors? heart rate, step counter, more? (bike revs?)

7) APIs - Testing

adapting mobile-spec and QUnit for our own uses


Scope?> < 
 > (Anssi) 
0136.html (Suresh)

8) APIs messaging 
0132.html (Robin)

9) Pending actions - closed without discussion unless concern raised.
ACTION-110: David Rogers to Lead the merging of Bondi/Nokia policy docs

ACTION-114: Alissa Cooper to Phrase the temporary privacy section

ACTION-124: Richard Tibbett to Create a mockup of the contacts UI for  
contact picker, based on previous mailing list discussion of use cases

ACTION-126: Robin Berjon to Modify FileWriter to add the saveFile()  

ACTION-153: Alissa Cooper to Refine privacy requirements (with John)

ACTION-158: John Morris to Send proposed changes to list re privacy  

ACTION-160: Max Froumentin to List scope of remaining work on  
Messaging before FPWD

ACTION-161: Max Froumentin to Make a proposal for Message Management,  
including whether it would be split from the main spec or not

ACTION-164: Daniel Coloma to Email the list explaining the differences  
between the successive BONDI approaches to messaging, and why the  
functionality got merged into a single API

ACTION-165: Robin Berjon to Take the TZDate discussion to public- 

ACTION-168: Alissa Cooper to Incorporate edits into Privacy  

10) AOB

11) Adjourn

Meeting Details:

Zakim Bridge: +1.617.761.6200, +, or +44.117.370.6152
Conference code: 3279 ("DAPW", or "EASY")
IRC channel: irc://

Instructions on meetings :

Attendance of WG members or at discretion of chairs.


Received on Tuesday, 4 May 2010 19:42:16 UTC