Proposal to update Messaging API

Hi all,


Here is the proposal to update the current Messaging API, based on our
discussion that occurred during this week's call.

The key changes include:


1) Separation of interfaces based on message type.

2) New attributes such as 'status', 'priority', 'folder'.

3) Addition of 'accountID' attribute to distinguish different email


Note: some missing aspects include


1) Search/Find/Filter capabilities

2) Folder management (e.g. Copy, Move) - Max had a simple proposal on
this which can be added I assume.






interface MessagingManager {


    const unsigned short FOLDER_INBOX = 0;

    const unsigned short FOLDER_SENT = 1;

    const unsigned short FOLDER_DRAFT = 2;

    const unsigned short FOLDER_OUTBOX = 3;

    const unsigned short FOLDER_DELETED = 4;

    const unsigned short FOLDER_OTHER = 5;


    const unsigned short STATUS_SAVED = 0;

    const unsigned short STATUS_DRAFT= 1;

    const unsigned short STATUS_SENT = 2;


      //Create messages

    SMSMessage createSMS (in SMSProperties smsProperties);

    MMSMessage createMMS (in MMSProperties mmsProperties); 

    EmailMessage createEmail (in EmailProperties emailProperties);



    int     subscribeOnSMS (in OnIncomingSMS messageEventCB);

    int     subscribeOnMMS (in OnIncomingMMS messageEventCB);

    int     subscribeOnEmail (in OnIncomingEmail messageEventCB);


      //Unsubscribe to incoming messages

    void    unsubscribe (in int subscriptionHandle);




SMS interfaces


interface SMSMessage : SMSProperties {

    readonly attribute DOMString      id;

    readonly attribute Date           timestamp; //determined by the
folder (inbox=received time, sent="sent time", draft="created time")

    PendingOp send () raises (SMSException);

    PendingOp remove();

    PendingOp save();



interface SMSProperties {

             attribute DOMString[] to;

             attribute DOMString   body;

    readonly attribute DOMString   from;

    readonly attribute unsigned short folder; //one of FOLDER_*
constants determined by the system.

    readonly attribute unsigned short status: //one of STATUS_*
constants determined by the system.



interface OnIncomingSMS {

    void onEvent (in SMSMessage message);



MMS interfaces



interface MMSMessage : MMSProperties {

    readonly attribute DOMString      id;

    readonly attribute Date           timestamp; //determined by the
folder (inbox=received time, sent="sent time", draft="created time")

    PendingOp send () raises (MMSException);



interface MMSProperties {

             attribute DOMString[] to;

             attribute DOMString[] cc;

             attribute DOMString[] bcc;

             attribute DOMString   subject;

             attribute DOMString   body;

    readonly attribute DOMString   from;

    readonly attribute unsigned short folder; //one of FOLDER_*
constants determined by the system.

    readonly attribute unsigned short status: //one of STATUS_*
constants determined by the system.


             attribute File[]      attachments;



interface OnIncomingMMS {

    void onEvent (in MMSMessage message);




Email interfaces



interface EmailMessage : EmailProperties {

    readonly attribute DOMString      id;

    readonly attribute Date           timestamp; //determined by the
folder (inbox=received time, sent="sent time", draft="created time")

    PendingOp send () raises (EmailException);

    PendingOp remove();

    PendingOp save();



interface EmailProperties {

  const unsigned short PRIORITY_HIGH = 0;

  const unsigned short PRIORITY_MEDIUM= 1;

  const unsigned short PRIORITY_LOW = 2;

             attribute DOMString[] to;

             attribute DOMString[] cc;

             attribute DOMString[] bcc;

             attribute DOMString   subject;

             attribute DOMString   body;

             attribute DOMString   accountId; //Indicates the email
account Id/name associated with this message

             attribute unsigned short priority; //default = 1

    readonly attribute unsigned short folder; //one of FOLDER_*
constants determined by the system.

    readonly attribute unsigned short status: //one of STATUS_*
constants determined by the system.

    readonly attribute DOMString   from;

             attribute File[]      attachments;



interface OnIncomingEmail {

    void onEvent (in EmailMessage message);





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Received on Friday, 30 April 2010 21:08:01 UTC