Agenda - Distributed Meeting 2010-04-07

Agenda — Device APIs and Policy Working Group — Distributed Meeting   
#22  2010-04-07

Meeting details at the bottom of this email.

1) Welcome, agenda review, scribe selection
  • Note any additions or changes to agenda
  • Select scribe:

2) Announcements, meeting planning, logistics

Updated Capture API draft published, 1 April 2010

FPWD of File API: Writer published, 6 April 2010

3) Minutes approval, 31 March 2010

proposed RESOLUTION: Minutes from 31 March 2010 approved.

4) Policy

4a) Status of policy related actions and proposals?

ACTION-153 - Refine privacy requirements (Alissa)

ACTION-146 - Send a CfC on privacy-reqs when Dom is done with edits

ACTION-152 - Edit policy framework, reviewing BONDI material and
editorial update (Laura)

4b) Policy issues

ISSUE-79, Sysinfo, Fingerprinting privacy issue related to sysinfo,
need for feedback on privacy risk

ISSUE-38, Use cases and threat model for security requirements

ISSUE-37 Domain spoofing and trust in the network layer

in scope?

ISSUE-17, Summarize security issues and related requirements for file

5) APIs

5a) Capture

Change title to "Media Capture" going forward, but keep same short name.

mime-type issue?

5b) Additional API Updates

6)  Open Action  and Issue review

6a) Open Actions

Please review and complete your actions, sending email and marking as
pending when completed.

6b) Pending actions - closed without discussion unless concern raised.


6c) Issues

7) Other Business

8) Adjourn

Meeting Details:

Zakim Bridge: +1.617.761.6200, +, or +44.117.370.6152
Conference code: 3279 ("DAPW", or "EASY")
IRC channel: irc://

Instructions on meetings :

Attendance of WG members or at discretion of chairs.


Received on Tuesday, 6 April 2010 15:22:42 UTC