DAP Editors, any more policy editors?

Robin sent a message regarding the need for editors in August:


So far we have the following volunteers for editing, as noted on the  
web page


Policy Pool
 • Laura Arribas, Vodafone
 • Marcin Hanclik, Access
 • Frederick Hirsch, Nokia

API Pool
 • Daniel Coloma, Telefónica de España
 • Dzung Tran, Intel
 • Max Froumentin, Opera
 • Marcin Hanclik, Access
 • Jere Käpyaho, Nokia
 • 이강찬 (Kangchan Lee), ETRI
 • Robin Berjon, Vodafone

Is there anyone who was planning to help with editing, especially for  
Policy, who is not listed?  Is there any concern with the list of  
editors at this point? If there is anyone else that can help please  
let us know.

Regarding the mechanics of editing, I personally think Robin has done  
a great job with ReSpec.js - it is very nice to not have to run make,  
deal with xmlspec (as much as I love it), etc. It is very elegant. So  
if you are an editor and have not looked at it, please do so:


This message should close ACTION-4

regards, Frederick

Frederick Hirsch, Nokia
Co-Chair, W3C DAP Working Group

Received on Wednesday, 23 September 2009 13:12:32 UTC