Re: Reminder: Sign up for TPAC

On Sep 18, 2009, at 5:50 AM, ext Robin Berjon wrote:

> Hi,
> On Sep 18, 2009, at 11:43 , <>  
> <
>> wrote:
>> We briefly discussed on the conf. call that the meetings of the
>> WebApps
>> WG and the DAP WG will overlap on Monday and Tuesday.
>> As a member of both groups it would be good to have a recommendation
>> on
>> which to attend on which days. I understand the choice is either/ 
>> or at
>> the moment.
>> Is this likely to change to allow participants of both groups to
>> attend
>> both meetings, or part of each meeting?
> As you can guess, deciding which of the many groups go on the first
> two or the last two days is a nightmare for W3C Team. DAP can't be
> moved because Frederick is chairing XML Security on Thu-Fri (moving
> XML Security would likely mess up a bunch of XML Activity meetings).
> WebApps can't be moved because Art won't be there after Thu, and it
> can't clash with HTML5.
> All in all I'm afraid we'll have to live with this.

However, when it makes sense, time can be allocated for joint  
meetings between DAP and WebApps' Widgets group and/or WebApps' APIs  
group (see [1]).

Robin already indicated [2] an interest in discussing DAP's file- 
related spec and WebApps' file-related work.

By November 2, there may some other topics that could benefit from  
cross-WG discussions.

-Regards, Art Barstow


Received on Friday, 18 September 2009 13:07:07 UTC