Re: ISSUE-14: Gathering requirements [System Info & Events]

On Oct 4, 2009, at 17:27 , Tran, Dzung D wrote:
>>> -       Compass
>> As in the existence or absence of a Compass device, right? But not
>> providing a heading, since that would overlap the geolocation
>> specification.
>> If that's right, then add: Geolocation device
> Providing access to Geolocation information via the System Info &  
> Events API is logical, although it would be duplicitous.

I think that what Max meant here was that the SIE would expose whether  
geolocation and compass capabilities are present, not the actual  

> I'm not sure the Geolocation API has in mind the use case where  
> orientation info comes from a compass rather than being extrapolated  
> over time from GPS coordinates. If we choose to provide compass data  
> via the Geolocation API, it should have an orientation Use Case and  
> an orientation Requirement added, e.g. requirement 6.2.4 should be  
> modified to read: " The Geolocation API MUST allow an application to  
> register to receive updates when >>either the position or the  
> heading<< of the hosting device changes."

That's something that would be worth checking with them indeed. I  
believe we have overlap in membership? Alternatively I can just talk  
to Angel.

Robin Berjon
   robineko — setting new standards

Received on Monday, 5 October 2009 09:30:57 UTC