Schedule and criteria for FPWD of Contacts API


In the tentative roadmap for the DAP specs [1], I put a first public
working draft of the contacts API [2] for December 2009. Knowing that
there will be a publication moratorium with the end of the year where
last publication requests must be made by December 18 [3], I’m wondering
if that’s a reasonable guess.

The real question is probably what are our criteria for deciding to
publish the API as FPWD; my understanding is that we want to be
reasonably feature-complete so that the Patent Policy call for
exclusions covers most of what the spec will become.

I assume we also want the security/privacy considerations to be somewhat
flushed out (per Rich’s ACTION-50).

What else do we want before going to first public working draft?

There are three other open action items and two open issues on the
Geolocation API: ; it would be good if their
owners (Bryan, Robin, Arve) would let us know if they consider them
critical before FPWD.



Received on Monday, 30 November 2009 09:42:49 UTC