Re: Early comparison of Nokia/BONDI APIs

I noted the same in my reading regarding the relative completeness  
differing in various areas. Thanks for summarizing this on the list.

I also note that the Nokia apis tend to offer iterators as opposed to  
the success callback approach.
Both have merit, but the iterator seems to offer a useful way to  
directly get at items of interest.

regards, Frederick

Frederick Hirsch

On Jul 30, 2009, at 3:57 AM, ext Dominique Hazael-Massieux wrote:

> Hi,
> I spent a little of time comparing the APIs that were proposed by  
> Nokia
> to the APIs proposed by BONDI [1].
> My comparison is at best superficial, doesn't cover all the APIs, and
> I'm not an expert in API design, so some of my remarks may be
> irrelevant; but I'm hoping it can serve as a starting point for the
> technical discussions around concrete APIs.
> * General
> Some success callback functions defined in BONDI uses a generic
> interface (SuccessCallback) - they should use sub-classes to identify
> and define the expected parameters; for instance, in Messaging,
> ApplicationLauncher,  Gallery, etc; in some of these, I believe the
> success callback may not expect any parameter at all, but that  
> should be
> made explicit.
> * Calendar
> Nokia's interface seems much more complete; e.g. BONDI lacks proper
> handling of recurrent events, which would prevent proper interaction
> with real calendar applications; Nokia's seem to match roughly the JSR
> interfaces.
> * Camera
> BONDI's interface more complete - allows for video and much more
> detailed control of camera settings.
> * Contacts
> Nokia's address interface more precise - note overlap with Geolocation
> v2 spec:
> (which
> has more fields: county, streetNumber, premises, additionalInfo; diff
> 'postalCode' / 'code'
> Nokia allows for named groups of contacts
> BONDI has a search interface (not Nokia)
> * Messaging
> BONDI's definition of account interface? (in  
> getAvailableEmailAccounts -
> cf lack of specialized callback interfaces)
> BONDI doesn't read (or alter) messages lists, only allows to send
> Nokia offers to start message editor; has new messages notifications
> Dom
> 1. Nokia APIs:

Received on Thursday, 30 July 2009 12:17:43 UTC