Re: [compute-pressure] "Rate-limiting change notifications" section is confusing (#291)

> The specification will recommend a rate limit of at most one update per second, though this is [=implementation-defined=]. We will also recommend that the call timings are jittered across contexts such as workers and main thread.

* Why "this spec will recommend" instead of making this normative?
* These requirements are always easier to follow and have an easier to measure impact when they are baked into the algorithms:
  * Are we talking about limits on the platform side or when delivering an update to each frame/worker?
  * Does there need to be any validation of the [`sampleInterval`]( member passed to `PressureObserver.observe()`?
* Similarly, is it enough for the spec to _recommend_ jitter or should it be a normative requirement? This spec has not required jittering values before; does it mean it was open to security issues being mitigated now or is this something completely new?

> The rate limiting should be disabled during automation and for testing purposes, for reliable and quickly passing tests.

We should avoid having separate paths for automation and non-automation. If the items above are integrated into the algorithms, you could allow setting them to some specific value via WebDriver, for example, or just write any tests in WPT in a way that does not depend on those values. In the worst case, defining some lower intervals for the automation case is better than not having any limiting altogether.

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