Re: [wake-lock] Give advice on how UAs should infer consent to take a wakelock (#140)

My suggestion would be to "ask for forgiveness" for screen locks, so that it's apparent to the user _why_ the screen isn't turning off in a reasonable amount of time and so they have an easy way to disable that behavior if they find it undesirable.

System wake locks are a bit trickier, because once the screen turns off there's no longer any opportunity for the user to notice that the site is still running. Perhaps in that case an active prompt would be best.

For permissions like geolocation or mic access that could pose additional privacy concerns if allowed to run in the background, personally I'd prefer separate permissions prompts for "geolocation in the background" vs "geolocation in the foreground". If I'm using a maps app with voice recognition based controls, for example, it should be possible to grant that app the ability to track my location in the background and the ability to listen to voice commands when I have it open without _also_ giving it the ability to listen to my conversations in the background.

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Received on Wednesday, 19 December 2018 16:04:30 UTC