Re: [community-group] Split units and values in type definitions (#121)

> Not splitting units and values into separate fields however might very well lead to over-engineering:
> * need to define or reference a spec for numbers
> * need to define or reference a spec for units (is `px2` a valid unit?, it is in CSS at the tokenizing, parsing level)
> * need to define general parsing guidelines

We need to do all of these things regardless of whether the value is a string or an object so I'm not sure why you're bringing this up. Especially the first two, what does it matter if the unit/number are already split from one another, you have to decide whether you want to restrict the units/numbers regardless?

> this specification is precise and exact and doesn't leave room for implementors to make the wrong assumptions

And that's exactly the mindset/philosophy that imo leads to over-engineering the spec. You can't realistically do this - pragmatism is just as important as correctness, if not more important. 

> reduces very real specification and implementation complexity

As a specification implementor (style-dictionary, sd-transforms and various other tools that consume DTCG tokens), my experience is that I just don't agree with this statement. The current string value isn't complex 😅. I also disagree with @jonathantneal 's analysis, I don't see how their examples are relevant to the design token JSON format, which @TravisSpomer also pointed out.

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