Re: [community-group] grid type (#222)

My initial thought when seeing new token type proposals is to ask: can this be solved with groups? eg, without using a new token type, you might have this:

  "grid": {
    "columns": {
      "count": {
        "$type": "number",
        "$value": 12
      "gap": {
        "$type": "dimension",
        "$value": "10px"
      "width": {
        "$type": "dimension",
        "$value": "100px"
      "margin": {
        "$type": "dimension",
        "$value": "20px"

I think this still captures the spirit of the design decision; you could even add more context in $description props. If there's value in having the translator "know" that these values should be used to calculate, say, css grid syntax, perhaps that's just a configuration of the translator rather than explicit in the token itself. Eg:

  columnCount: tokens.grid.columns.count,
  columnWidth: tokens.grid.columns.width
// outputs something like
//  grid-template-columns: repeat(12, 100px);

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