Re: [community-group] Are references generally allowed in arrays? (#241)

As I understand it, it’s the difference from a primitive type (8.x) vs a composite type (9.x). Primitive types may only alias to their own types. A composite type is made up of multiple primitives, and can either alias to their own type, or alias any of their individual parts. I think cubicBezier was considered a primitive type because it gets referenced within a transition type.

My guess is (as I’m guessing) it was considered too complicated to nest number aliases within a cubicBezier within a transition token. I think as-written if a cubicBezier could have internal aliases then it would be reclassified as a composite type (9.x). But would that be bad? I personally don’t know of any downsides. Just seems like it would add more utility, like you said.

I also don’t have full context of why there’s a distinction between primitive and composite types, also; someone else may be able to answer that better. As long as we’re not allowing aliases absolutely _everywhere_ (aliasing part of IDs or substrings would be chaotic IMO), I don’t have any downsides off the top of my head of allowing aliases wherever they seem reasonable.

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