Re: [community-group] Suggestion: colorList type for DataViz (#228)

After chewing on the question “should any value accept an array” I originally wanted the answer to be “yes” but now I’m not convinced it’s possible. In some tokens, order is significant (font family fallbacks, color ramps); in other tokens it wouldn’t be (shadow arrays likely could be combined in any order). Further, some tokens wouldn’t have a clear use (what would an array of cubic béziers even be used for)? Different concerns from how different token types are used wildly differently would probably warrant new token types altogether with add’l metadata on how each is used.

The design of groups is flexible enough that most of the time a group is just fine + a short description on the group on how it’s organized. Maybe even `colorList` not a necessary token type, and is just a recommended pattern on how a group _could_ be used (that’s how I’m getting by with it now!). But again, I’m also slightly-against the “what if any token accepted an array of values” thought experiment as well.

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