Re: [community-group] Native modes and theming support (#210)

I like this approach. I am curious if mode nesting in token definitions would be supported or explicitly disabled?

For example, you have light and dark mode, but for each of those you also have increased and decreased contrast modes. Modes in this case could not be defined in isolation as there is some dependency (light + increased contrast, dark + increased contrast).

Example contrast modes:
  "$name": "Figma UI Colors",
  "$modes": {
    "light": {},
    "dark": {},
    "increased-contrast": {}
    "decreased-contrast": {}
  // tokens ...

Examples with nesting:
  "text-primary": {
    "$type": "color",
    "brand": {
      "$modes": {
        "light": {
          "value":  "{colors.gray.800}",
          "increase-contrast": "{colors.gray.900}",
"decreased-contrast": "{colors.gray.700}"
        "dark": {
          "value":  "{colors.gray.200}",
          "increase-contrast": "{colors.gray.100}",
"decreased-contrast": "{colors.gray.300}"

Alternatively, disallowing nesting for modes may provide a forcing function for aliasing (one level handles light/dark, another level handles contrast). Either I think are ok but should be considered.

Similarly, it may be necessary to define which modes are relative to one another, or what token types they can support. Ie, "light", "dark", and "darkest" are enumerations for a property (eg, "colorScheme"), whereas "increase-contrast", "decreased-contrast" or even "forced-colors" would be enumerations for a different property (eg. "contrastModes"). That way we can enforce that you cannot nest/combine options of the same mode property (eg, `"light": {"dark": "$token"}}` is disallowed).

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