[community-group] $name property? (#112)
[community-group] Border type feedback (#99)
[community-group] Extensible Types (#221)
[community-group] Gradient type feedback (#101)
[community-group] Native modes and theming support (#210)
[community-group] Progressive Token Variant Specificity (#135)
[community-group] Remove REM/EM from specification? (#218)
[community-group] Share your tools that support the DTCG format (#211)
[community-group] Split units and values in type definitions (#121)
[community-group] Standardizing the Handoff - Conceptual (#220)
[community-group] Stroke style type feedback (#98)
[community-group] Transition type feedback (#103)
[community-group] Typography type feedback (#102)
[community-group] Using target platforms to guide the specification (#190)
Closed: [community-group] Native modes and theming support (#210)
Last message date: Wednesday, 28 June 2023 18:53:51 UTC