Re: [community-group] [Discussion]: How to transform composite tokens (#226)

I have a very strong preference for keeping all of the values of a composite token together. This is faithful to the nature of a design token as being a design decision; there are some places where you have to make multiple decisions to get to the lowest level of fidelity, eg shadows or type. You can't _just_ decide what a shadow's color is, you also have to decide what it's blur radius, x, and y offset are. Likewise you can't just decide what at piece of text's font family is, you also have to decide it's size, etc.

However, like @c1rrus said, I think that the decision as to how to transform the token is up to the transformer, and the spec shouldn't take a stance.

As for @ddamato's follow-up, I put some thoughts in #100 on the issue of platforms having multiple incompatible syntaxes for the same type of token (tl;dr, I think that's another translator concern that the spec shouldn't weigh in on). 

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