Re: [community-group] How to do tokens that share a name with a group (#97)

Ok, returning to this after having some experience with trying to parse larger token files, I think some kind of explicit key is necessary. The main reason is that groups can have properties that are named the same as tokens. For example:

  "color": {
    "$type": "color",
    "$description": "lorem ipsum",
    "$value": "blue",
    "primary": {
      "$value": "red"

In this example, it's unclear if the "$type" at the root applies to the root token, "color" (blue) or is intended to cascade down to child tokens like "color.primary". Same with description; is it a description for the group? or a description of the root token?

So, I'd like to recommend the following change to the group format:

"groupName": {
  "$type": "..."          // optional type that can be inherited by children
  "$description": "..."   // optional description of the group
  "$rootToken": {}        // optional root token
  "$extensions": {}       // optional extensions as usual
  "childName": {}         // required, can be a group or a token.
I'm open to other names, but I chose "rootToken" to be very explicit that this should be a token that is associated with the root of the group. I also considered "root" and "base". I deliberately avoided "default", as this doesn't quite make sense grammatically — a default implies options, which isn't how groups work.

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