Re: [community-group] How to define a token that references a local file? (#132)

This is an old issue, but I’d love to see this revisited, as icons are an important part of every DS and I do think this is a core token type.

I’m strongly in favor of [@CITguy’s most recent proposal]( (especially the URL Living Standard bit) and think it would work well.


> Downloading files always has security implication

To reference how the web, a traditionally insecure platform, has handled it: the [link tag]( marks a reference to a local or remote resource. It marks a **relationship** to the source to designate what’s done with it. And while a few built-in types are understood and executed (`stylesheet` for CSS, `shortcut icon` for favicons, etc.), many are simply ignored.

Perhaps there could be some hint as part of the schema, e.g: 

  "icons": {
    "$type": "file",
    "alert": {
      "$value": {
        "rel": "icon",
        "url": ""

_Note: `rel` is a bad name; just using it as a placeholder_

Perhaps there are a small number of `rel`s that are recommended, such as:

- `icon`
- `image`
- `video`
- `font` (as in the actual `.ttf` or `.woff2` itself)
And the rest can be up to tooling to respect or ignore (similar to how `$extensions` work).

This hopefully solves some of the security issues, because many systems can do basic checks on this (e.g. “I was expecting `rel: "icon"` but the server returned a mimetype of `application/zip` so I’ll throw an error). This could also be more extensible than having 1 token type for icons, images, etc.

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