Re: [community-group] [Discussion]: How to transform composite tokens (#226)

I've thought about it in relation to the work I'm doing with [Token Operations]( From my perspective we _could_ have a setup like the following:

  "shadow1": {
    "_color": {
      "$value": "#00000088"
    "_offset-x": {
     "$value": "0.5rem"
    "css": {
      "$operations": [...] // concat all parts together into single CSS value
    "android": {
      "$operations": [...] // concat all parts together into single android appropriate value

So a final resolution for CSS would be available at `{shadow1.css}` which could be written within the UI directly without further transformation. This would avoid the responsibility of the spec to outline all composite type schemas and put the responsibility on the folks who need specific values to have them available as needed. As an example, perhaps a tokens file is _only_ used for android values. The system ingesting them won't need to know how to combine composite types; everything is already exactly made as needed when it is accepted as a value; right within the file.

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