Re: [community-group] Native modes and theming support (#210)

@equinusocio agree that you can represent a single theme with just aliasing, however approaching it that way does have its issues, with the most major one being no guaranteed interoperability between themes. If you switch from light-theme.css to dark-theme.css, how does it work? How do I as a developer know it will have all of the tokens defined? Is dark-theme.css a set of overrides for light-theme.css, or is it entirely self contained? The issue with ambiguity here is it means people will approach this in two separate ways, which ends up being bad for the standard. 

To that point, @c1rrus brings up a great point here: 

> Personally, I quite like the idea that every DTCG file is self-contained. I think that can make them easier for humans to reason about. It could also make them more portable - e.g. the use-case mentioned above about referencing tokens from another DS's tokens. If you can cherry pick any .tokens.json file safe in the knowledge that it's not going to contain references that might not resolve, then I think that becomes easier.

A self-contained aspect is quite nice for understandability. Not necessary by any means, but it is a nice to have. It means tools can be a bit more proactive around what they expect the file to have. In a multi-file scenario, load order and parsing becomes a bit more tricky. It's still workable for sure, but tricky. 

@SorsOps's proposal feels like a bit of a hybrid of both my proposal and a @equinusocio's (simple files with no theming). I'm OK with @SorsOps's proposal, but I will +1 @c1rrus's points about cross-file dependencies and the issue of

> A single DTCG file must be allowed to contain references that cannot be resolved within that file

While the spec doesn't have an opinion about this now, if we do pursue something like @SorsOps's approach, it'd be critical to explicitly state this in the spec. That's boils down to the heart of the issue and really my perspective here. Our request isn't "make the spec work for Figma" - this should be a spec that works for everyone, not one specific tool. But equally, we also shouldn't "ignore tools/figma/plugins/third-party implementations", as doing so will fracture the spec into multiple implementations. Themes are an extremely common use case for tokens, and my worry here is the spec not having an opinion will lead to many different approaches to a solution (which we already see today). 

At the end of the day I care less about the exact structure/format of _how_ we represent theming. Our requirements are just to have a solution for this, not to have a specific solution. What I don't want to end up having is there being 8 different ways people approach this, or worse still Figma having undue weight here where people align on whatever way we do this in the interim (as it wont have been done with regard to other tools' needs in mind). 

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