Re: [community-group] [RFC] Format specification (#1)

I do agree that functions would be nice but I don't see how tools would be able to work with then if we don't specify what they are. Like what is `saturate(tokenA, 10%)` if you don't know what is `saturate`?

> other cases this is a one-to-many

Do you have an example of a one-to-many function that couldn't be represented by a 1:1 function? I'm struggling to imagine it (not to mention that the naming of the generated tokens becomes a lot harder).

> variant implies that it's a choice

I don't think it does. Variants are just a dimension of your design tokens. Color space is a perfect example of that IMO: depending on the color space, your tokens change (but they might also change depending on the theme at the same time).
How a variant is selected (be it the system localisation, the time of day, the type of screen) is out of scope of tokens, it's application logic.

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Received on Tuesday, 28 January 2020 21:13:36 UTC