XSeen Now Supports HTML events and PBR

XSeen (https://XSeen.org/), the open-source declarative 3D content 
language, now supports HTML events, Physically-Based Rendering, CSS-like 
styling, and several other new features. This JavaScript environment 
parses HTML to build and manage the 3D environment in the web page. It 
has intelligent roll-backs for features not supported on the current 

I would like to receive comments or suggestions on the feature set, 
documentation, code, or any other matter related to XSeen. Comments can 
be posted to the list or sent directly to me.

Post: http://realism.com/blog/xseen-v06-release
Code: https://github.com/DrX3D/XSeen
Documentation: https://xseen.org/documentation/tags/

*Leonard Daly*
3D Systems Architect & Cloud Consultant
President, Daly Realism - /Creating the Future/

Received on Wednesday, 25 April 2018 14:37:17 UTC