- From: /#!/JoePea <trusktr@gmail.com>
- Date: Sun, 5 Nov 2017 12:19:44 -0800
- To: public-decwebvr@w3.org
- Message-ID: <CAKU1PAXddyajB3h0pY_e7aBKFRNNhqfD++gCYWGd3s9TZ9cxhQ@mail.gmail.com>
Hello, I joined the group on W3C, and am interested in going to the Meetup. Is there any room left? I'm a software engineer with an affinity towards graphicals/interactive programming, living in Oakland. On my free time, I'm developing Infamous <https://github.com/trusktr/infamous> (soon to be renamed). ​ To describe it shortly, think of Infamous as an alternative to A-Frame, but more generic (VR is not a requirement). The `threejs` branch has the WebGL stuff on top of Three.js. ​My project currently allows me to write markup like the following for describing 3D scenes (VR or not): <i-scene experimental-webgl="true" id="scene" backgroundColor="20 20 20" backgroundOpacity="0.8"> <i-mesh has="sphere-geometry phong-material" id="first" size="400 400" rotation="30 30 30" align="0.5 0.5 0.5" mountPoint="0.5 0.5 0.5" color="255 0 255"> <i-node sizeMode="proportional proportional" size="0.5 1" > <p> This is regular DOM content </p> <p>TODO throw helpful error when component not used on i-mesh</p> </i-node> <i-node sizeMode="proportional proportional" size="0.5 1" align="1 0" mountPoint="1 0"> <p> This is regular DOM content </p> <p>TODO throw helpful error when component not used on i-mesh</p> </i-node> <i-mesh id="second" has="sphere-geometry phong-material" size="1 1 1" rotation="30 30 30" color="100 100 100" position="1.5 1.5 0" > </i-mesh> </i-mesh> <i-node id="light-container" position="0 0 1.6"> <i-point-light color="255 255 255" id="light" position="2 0 0"> <i-mesh id="light-helper" has="sphere-geometry basic-material" size="0.05 0.05 0.05" color="255 255 255"> </i-mesh> </i-point-light> </i-node> </i-scene>​ ​ /#!/JoePea
Received on Sunday, 5 November 2017 20:20:47 UTC