Announcing XSeen -- Merging of A-Frame and X3D

At SVVR earlier this year I gave a presentation 
( on what is necessary for enterprise class 
VR language for the browser. I found that neither A-Frame nor X3D/X3DOM 
met those requirements; however, together they did.

In an effort to figure how to merge the two, I started a project to work 
on evaluating the capabilities of both and creating a merged result. 
This project is producing a language definition, example implementation, 
and documentation. All of the work is open source/creative commons.

The initial release is announced at

At this stage only a few static features are available including all 3D 
predefined solids from  both languages plus X3D's Appearance, Material, 
Shape, Transform, Group, and Inline. It is possible to mix nodes from 
X3D and A-Frame. The initial version of the library is on GitHub at It runs on top of THREE.js

The documentation has been started and is at I have started to add 
additional capabilities including glTF/Collada/OBJ loader, A-Frame 
a-assets, and stereo/VR camera. At this time there are no capabilities 
for animation except for what is done directly through THREE.

The goal of this work is to develop a language that is

 1. Standardizable
 2. Enterprise ready
 3. Fully HTML5/DOM integrated
 4. Runs in all browsers
 5. Fully support VR, AR, xR, and flat-screen displays as determined by
    the content developer and user
 6. Leverages other standards and communities applications and libraries

*Leonard Daly*
3D Systems Architect & Cloud Consultant
President, Daly Realism - /Creating the Future/

Received on Thursday, 1 June 2017 18:21:28 UTC