CSS 3D Editor & Dec3D Workshop

Dear all, 

As usually, the mailing list got a bit quiet after the Web3D conference (probably everyone went happily for well earned holidays..). 
Anyway, I stumbled upon this 3D editor [1] - not entirely sure if it's useful, but it is definitely nicely looking thing. I'm just curious: since it seems that Web-based 3D editors are on the rise (I believe there were two presented on the conference..), are there any efforts to make a (X)3D editor from X3DOM or XML3D groups? 

Another thing, regarding Dec3D workshop. Do you think the group should try to organize the second (formal) edition, e.g., again at WWW? 


[1] http://tridiv.com/ 
[2] http://www2014.kr/calls/call-for-workshop/ 

Received on Thursday, 19 September 2013 11:22:48 UTC