Web3D 2013 Conference ** 1-day Industrial Workshop 21 June 2013

The Web3D 2013 Conference <http://www.web3d2013.org/>  is offering a one day
workshop attendance at a reduced cost. 

This  <http://www.web3d2013.org/registration.html#1day> 1-day Industrial
Workshop on Friday 21 June, 2013 (cost: 95 EUR) will include International
experts from leading companies discussing and  demonstrating their recent 3D
Web technologies.  

Registration details at: http://www.web3d2013.org/registration.html#1day


The program includes excellent talks on Wed3D and Engineering-Industrial Use
Cases, a lunch with the Conference attendants and Speakers, a Keynote Speech
by Alain Chesnais (former President of ACM -Association of Computing
Machinery- and of SIGGRAPH), and a compelling Web3D Showcase demonstration.
Come explore this one day session and see how you can apply 3D technology to
your business and your customer's needs.


Web3D 2013 Conference details available at: www.web3d2013.org

Looking forward to seeing you next week!


Best regards,

Anita Havele

Executive Director, Web3D Consortium    <http://www.web3d.org/>

Phone: +1 248 342 7662  Fax: +1 248 457 8018


Received on Tuesday, 11 June 2013 16:52:05 UTC