[Dec3D] Conf Call Reminder + Agenda: 30 Oct, 2012 - 8:00 AM Pacific


this weeks Dec3D Conf call will be tomorrow Tuesday, 30 Oct, 2012 - 8:00 AM Pacific


1) TPAC planing
2) "A Level of Integration measure": Status and next Steps
3) Polyfill Runtime Architecture: Status and next Steps
3) WWW 2013 Workshop

Talk to you tomorrow

Dr. Johannes Behr
Head of Department: Visual Computing System Technologies
Fraunhofer-Institut für Graphische Datenverarbeitung IGD
Fraunhoferstr. 5  |  64283 Darmstadt  |  Germany
Tel +49 6151 155-510  |  Fax +49 6151 155-196

Received on Monday, 29 October 2012 13:40:08 UTC