Re: Telco wrup-up

Hi everyone,

sorry I didn't make it back to the call. Some infrastructure problems in 
my home office. I will be back in my office starting from tomorrow.

I'll try to get the CfP on the ACM/Siggraph lists and will get back to 
you as soon as I have news in that.


Am 21.12.2011 15:39, schrieb Jankowski, Jacek:
> Hi,
> This is a short wrap-up of our last telco meeting. The main topic was 
> the 1st International Workshop on Declarative 3D for the Web 
> Architecture (Dec3D2012) [1] accepted for WWW 2012. We discussed 
> mostly two things:
> 1)The call for papers -- we agreed that the current version of the 
> call looks good and should be distributed as soon as possible.
> 2)The policy for submitting the papers by conference organizers: as it 
> is our first Dec3D research event and it is a workshop, we agreed that 
> the organizers can submit papers. Position papers are encouraged.
> Tasks:
> Jacek:
> -prepare a 'call for papers' text on our wiki for the copy/paste 
> purposes (DONE) [2];
> -prepare a table for mailing list addresses (DONE) [3];
> -gather web related mailing list addresses (work in progress);
> -add contact information on the workshop website;
> -invite program committee members to easy chair;
> -ask program committee for help in distributing the CfP;
> Leonard:
> -re-configure the domain: the domain 
> should directly point to the community page on the w3c server: 
>; the 'events' sub-domain 
> should point to the 
> server (as it is right now); 
> should also point to this address;
> Everyone:
> -Update the table with as many relevant mailing list addresses as 
> possible;
> -Friday 23rd: sending the 1^st call?
> Best,
>    Jacek
> [1]
> [2] 
> [3] 


Kristian Sons
Deutsches Forschungszentrum für Künstliche Intelligenz GmbH, DFKI
Agenten und Simulierte Realität
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Received on Tuesday, 3 January 2012 16:25:38 UTC