Re: post siggraph thoughts

Hi everybody,

> Hi Sandy, it was great to see you again too, the presentations and
> discussions were very interesting.

I fully agree.

> The slides, presentation and discussion by Johannes&  Kristian
> were superlative, many thanks.


> I agree that a bit more "high level" motivation might be helpful.

I agree again. I think with those 4 points we worked out during 
discussions we really identified the major topics. I think what Sandy 
means is, that we have to work on how we transport the message to people 
who are not experts in Web Technology and 3D graphics. A kind of 
"elevator pitch" for the CG mission would be useful.

> Aiming for W3C members at this fall's TPAC meeting is an excellent
> idea, since they include the people that we want to participate and
> someday, eventually engage in the results.  We should probably
> brainstorm a little about that - comments from others will help us
> build an even broader message.

Regarding TPAC. Ian Jacobs is about to organize an "Unconference" [1] at 
the Plenary Day (Wednesday). This will be the forum for all community 
activities and we can have a slot there to present our work. Depending 
on how far we are until then, we should also try to communicate with 
other WGs (CSS, SVG, HTML etc).

I would suggest to have a Working meeting Mo/Tue before the Plenary Day.

> As for names, I like "Declarative 3D" already since it describes
> what we are working on.

I like Sandy's dec3d proposal. I'd consider it not a replacement for the 
"Declarative 3D" but rather a working title for the outcome of the CG.

Best regards,

> all the best, Don


Kristian Sons
Deutsches Forschungszentrum für Künstliche Intelligenz GmbH, DFKI
Agenten und Simulierte Realität
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Vorsitzender des Aufsichtsrats: Prof. Dr. h.c. Hans A. Aukes
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Received on Thursday, 18 August 2011 11:43:14 UTC