Re: Safe manipulation of RDF data (from semantic-web)

Sorry how do I access the log file? I'm not able to find it with docker cp.


On 18/09/2019 13:27, Martynas Jusevičius wrote:
> This is the file:
> On Wed, Sep 18, 2019 at 12:26 PM Mikael Pesonen
> <> wrote:
>> Could I please have a file too. I have no experience in
>> java logging...
>> Mikael
>> On 18/09/2019 13:20, Martynas Jusevičius wrote:
>>> Oops, I'll CC the list again :)
>>> Could you try mounting as well, like in the example?
>>> That should give you debug output in the container.
>>> Also a good idea to validate the ontology's Turtle syntax (or any RDF
>>> config really) after any changes, just to be sure. There's a handy
>>> online tool:
>>> BTW you can also do docker pull atomgraph/processor, I just released
>>> an updated version that allows killing the container gracefully with
>>> Ctrl+C.
>>> On Wed, Sep 18, 2019 at 12:12 PM Mikael Pesonen
>>> <> wrote:
>>>> Thanks! Now I think I have the correct command line
>>>> sudo docker run --rm -p 8090:8090 -e
>>>> ENDPOINT="" -e
>>>> -e
>>>> ONTOLOGY=""
>>>> -v
>>>> "/home/text/cases/nimisampo/proxy/wikidata.ttl":"/usr/local/tomcat/webapps/ROOT/WEB-INF/classes/org/wikidata/ldt.ttl"
>>>> -v
>>>> "/home/text/cases/nimisampo/proxy/location-mapping.n3":"/usr/local/tomcat/webapps/ROOT/WEB-INF/classes/custom-mapping.n3"
>>>> atomgraph/processor
>>>> When testing I get
>>>>    >> curl -v http://localhost:8090/birthdays
>>>> *   Trying ::1...
>>>> * Connected to localhost (::1) port 8090 (#0)
>>>>    > GET /birthdays HTTP/1.1
>>>>    > Host: localhost:8090
>>>>    > User-Agent: curl/7.47.0
>>>>    > Accept: */*
>>>>    >
>>>> * Recv failure: Connection reset by peer
>>>> * Closing connection 0
>>>> curl: (56) Recv failure: Connection reset by peer
>>>> Do you have and idea what could be the issue? In docker output there
>>>> seems to be no errors:
>>>> @prefix lm: <> .
>>>> [] lm:mapping
>>>>       [ lm:name ""
>>>> ;                                 lm:altName
>>>> "com/atomgraph/processor/ldt.ttl" ] ,
>>>>       [ lm:name ""
>>>> ;                     lm:altName "com/atomgraph/processor/c.ttl" ] ,
>>>>       [ lm:name ""
>>>> ;                  lm:altName "com/atomgraph/processor/ct.ttl" ] ,
>>>>       [ lm:name ""
>>>> ;          lm:altName "com/atomgraph/processor/ngt.ttl" ] ,
>>>>       [ lm:name ""
>>>> ;       lm:altName "com/atomgraph/processor/dh.ttl" ] ,
>>>>       [ lm:name ""
>>>> ;       lm:altName "com/atomgraph/processor/tht.ttl" ] ,
>>>>       [ lm:name ""
>>>> ;                                   lm:altName
>>>> "com/atomgraph/processor/sioc.owl" ] ,
>>>>       [ lm:name ""
>>>> ;                                   lm:altName
>>>> "com/atomgraph/processor/void.owl" ] ,
>>>>       [ lm:name ""
>>>> ;                               lm:altName
>>>> "com/atomgraph/processor/http.owl" ] ,
>>>>       [ lm:name ""
>>>> ;                                lm:altName
>>>> "com/atomgraph/processor/http.owl" ] ,
>>>>       [ lm:name ""
>>>> ;                   lm:altName
>>>> "com/atomgraph/processor/http-statusCodes.rdf" ] ,
>>>>       [ lm:name ""
>>>> ;                    lm:altName
>>>> "com/atomgraph/processor/http-statusCodes.rdf" ] ,
>>>>       [ lm:name ""
>>>> ;           lm:altName "com/atomgraph/processor/sparql-service.owl" ] ,
>>>>       [ lm:name ""
>>>> ;                                 lm:altName
>>>> "com/atomgraph/processor/foaf.owl" ] ,
>>>>       [ lm:name ""
>>>> ;                                     lm:altName "etc/sp.ttl" ] ,
>>>>       [ lm:name ""
>>>> ;                                      lm:altName "etc/sp.ttl" ] ,
>>>>       [ lm:name ""
>>>> ;                                   lm:altName "etc/spin.ttl" ] ,
>>>>       [ lm:name ""
>>>> ;                                    lm:altName "etc/spin.ttl" ] ,
>>>>       [ lm:name ""
>>>> ;                                    lm:altName "etc/spl.spin.ttl" ] ,
>>>>       [ lm:name ""
>>>> ;                                     lm:altName "etc/spl.spin.ttl" ]
>>>> .
>>>> ... html for a github page ...
>>>> 18-Sep-2019 09:57:42.303 INFO [main]
>>>> org.apache.catalina.startup.VersionLoggerListener.log Server
>>>> version:        Apache Tomcat/8.0.52
>>>> 18-Sep-2019 09:57:42.305 INFO [main]
>>>> org.apache.catalina.startup.VersionLoggerListener.log Server
>>>> built:          Apr 28 2018 16:24:29 UTC
>>>> 18-Sep-2019 09:57:42.306 INFO [main]
>>>> org.apache.catalina.startup.VersionLoggerListener.log Server
>>>> number:
>>>> 18-Sep-2019 09:57:42.306 INFO [main]
>>>> org.apache.catalina.startup.VersionLoggerListener.log OS
>>>> Name:               Linux
>>>> 18-Sep-2019 09:57:42.306 INFO [main]
>>>> org.apache.catalina.startup.VersionLoggerListener.log OS
>>>> Version:            4.4.0-148-generic
>>>> 18-Sep-2019 09:57:42.306 INFO [main]
>>>> org.apache.catalina.startup.VersionLoggerListener.log
>>>> Architecture:          amd64
>>>> 18-Sep-2019 09:57:42.307 INFO [main]
>>>> org.apache.catalina.startup.VersionLoggerListener.log Java
>>>> Home:             /usr/lib/jvm/java-8-openjdk-amd64/jre
>>>> 18-Sep-2019 09:57:42.307 INFO [main]
>>>> org.apache.catalina.startup.VersionLoggerListener.log JVM
>>>> Version:           1.8.0_171-8u171-b11-1~deb9u1-b11
>>>> 18-Sep-2019 09:57:42.307 INFO [main]
>>>> org.apache.catalina.startup.VersionLoggerListener.log JVM
>>>> Vendor:            Oracle Corporation
>>>> 18-Sep-2019 09:57:42.307 INFO [main]
>>>> org.apache.catalina.startup.VersionLoggerListener.log
>>>> CATALINA_BASE:         /usr/local/tomcat
>>>> 18-Sep-2019 09:57:42.308 INFO [main]
>>>> org.apache.catalina.startup.VersionLoggerListener.log
>>>> CATALINA_HOME:         /usr/local/tomcat
>>>> 18-Sep-2019 09:57:42.308 INFO [main]
>>>> org.apache.catalina.startup.VersionLoggerListener.log Command line
>>>> argument:
>>>> -Djava.util.logging.config.file=/usr/local/tomcat/conf/
>>>> 18-Sep-2019 09:57:42.308 INFO [main]
>>>> org.apache.catalina.startup.VersionLoggerListener.log Command line
>>>> argument: -Djava.util.logging.manager=org.apache.juli.ClassLoaderLogManager
>>>> 18-Sep-2019 09:57:42.308 INFO [main]
>>>> org.apache.catalina.startup.VersionLoggerListener.log Command line
>>>> argument: -Djdk.tls.ephemeralDHKeySize=2048
>>>> 18-Sep-2019 09:57:42.309 INFO [main]
>>>> org.apache.catalina.startup.VersionLoggerListener.log Command line
>>>> argument: -Djava.protocol.handler.pkgs=org.apache.catalina.webresources
>>>> 18-Sep-2019 09:57:42.309 INFO [main]
>>>> org.apache.catalina.startup.VersionLoggerListener.log Command line
>>>> argument: -Dignore.endorsed.dirs=
>>>> 18-Sep-2019 09:57:42.309 INFO [main]
>>>> org.apache.catalina.startup.VersionLoggerListener.log Command line
>>>> argument: -Dcatalina.base=/usr/local/tomcat
>>>> 18-Sep-2019 09:57:42.309 INFO [main]
>>>> org.apache.catalina.startup.VersionLoggerListener.log Command line
>>>> argument: -Dcatalina.home=/usr/local/tomcat
>>>> 18-Sep-2019 09:57:42.310 INFO [main]
>>>> org.apache.catalina.startup.VersionLoggerListener.log Command line
>>>> argument:
>>>> 18-Sep-2019 09:57:42.310 INFO [main]
>>>> org.apache.catalina.core.AprLifecycleListener.lifecycleEvent Loaded APR
>>>> based Apache Tomcat Native library 1.2.16 using APR version 1.5.2.
>>>> 18-Sep-2019 09:57:42.310 INFO [main]
>>>> org.apache.catalina.core.AprLifecycleListener.lifecycleEvent APR
>>>> capabilities: IPv6 [true], sendfile [true], accept filters [false],
>>>> random [true].
>>>> 18-Sep-2019 09:57:42.314 INFO [main]
>>>> org.apache.catalina.core.AprLifecycleListener.initializeSSL OpenSSL
>>>> successfully initialized (OpenSSL 1.1.0f  25 May 2017)
>>>> 18-Sep-2019 09:57:42.387 INFO [main]
>>>> org.apache.coyote.AbstractProtocol.init Initializing ProtocolHandler
>>>> ["http-apr-8080"]
>>>> 18-Sep-2019 09:57:42.394 INFO [main]
>>>> org.apache.coyote.AbstractProtocol.init Initializing ProtocolHandler
>>>> ["ajp-apr-8009"]
>>>> 18-Sep-2019 09:57:42.398 INFO [main]
>>>> org.apache.catalina.startup.Catalina.load Initialization processed in 451 ms
>>>> 18-Sep-2019 09:57:42.432 INFO [main]
>>>> org.apache.catalina.core.StandardService.startInternal Starting service
>>>> Catalina
>>>> 18-Sep-2019 09:57:42.432 INFO [main]
>>>> org.apache.catalina.core.StandardEngine.startInternal Starting Servlet
>>>> Engine: Apache Tomcat/8.0.52
>>>> 18-Sep-2019 09:57:42.446 INFO [localhost-startStop-1]
>>>> org.apache.catalina.startup.HostConfig.deployDescriptor Deploying
>>>> configuration descriptor /usr/local/tomcat/conf/Catalina/localhost/ROOT.xml
>>>> 18-Sep-2019 09:57:43.893 INFO [localhost-startStop-1]
>>>> org.apache.jasper.servlet.TldScanner.scanJars At least one JAR was
>>>> scanned for TLDs yet contained no TLDs. Enable debug logging for this
>>>> logger for a complete list of JARs that were scanned but no TLDs were
>>>> found in them. Skipping unneeded JARs during scanning can improve
>>>> startup time and JSP compilation time.
>>>> 18-Sep-2019 09:57:43.915 INFO [localhost-startStop-1]
>>>> org.apache.catalina.startup.HostConfig.deployDescriptor Deployment of
>>>> configuration descriptor
>>>> /usr/local/tomcat/conf/Catalina/localhost/ROOT.xml has finished in 1,469 ms
>>>> 18-Sep-2019 09:57:43.917 INFO [main]
>>>> org.apache.coyote.AbstractProtocol.start Starting ProtocolHandler
>>>> ["http-apr-8080"]
>>>> 18-Sep-2019 09:57:43.925 INFO [main]
>>>> org.apache.coyote.AbstractProtocol.start Starting ProtocolHandler
>>>> ["ajp-apr-8009"]
>>>> 18-Sep-2019 09:57:43.927 INFO [main]
>>>> org.apache.catalina.startup.Catalina.start Server startup in 1528 ms
>>>> Mikael
>>>> On 18/09/2019 10:58, Martynas Jusevičius wrote:
>>>>> Hi :)
>>>>> thanks for reporting, I've now fixed the links. Docker Hub reuses
>>>>> README from GitHub, so GitHub-relative URLs don't work.
>>>>> I also added a link to the Wikidata example:
>>>>> It contains these two files:
>>>>> - wikidata.ttl is the LDT ontology of the example application. It
>>>>> contains LDT templates, in your case :PersonItem for example.
>>>>> The base URI (i.e. the namespace) is totally up to you, but keep in
>>>>> mind the URI of the ldt:Ontology resource, because that is what
>>>>> specified as -e ONTOLOGY.
>>>>> In the Wikidata example, the ontology URI is
>>>>> (with the trailing hash).
>>>>> - location-mapping.n3 - this is a config file for Jena:
>>>>> In RDF we want to use URIs namespaces and not file paths. This file
>>>>> provides a mapping between the two, and when an application attempts
>>>>> to read a mapped URI, Jena actually reads it from the file it is
>>>>> mapped to.
>>>>> In the example,
>>>>> is mapped to org/wikidata/ldt.ttl - and that is the file we mount
>>>>> under /usr/local/tomcat/webapps/ROOT/WEB-INF/classes/ in the
>>>>> container.
>>>>> So you do need location-mapping.n3 as well, unless your LDT ontology
>>>>> is resolvable from its URI. In the example the ontology URI is made up
>>>>> and there is no document behind it, so Jena would fail reading it if
>>>>> there would be no mapping.
>>>>> I think it would be easiest for you to reuse the example as it is,
>>>>> having copies of wikidata.ttl and location-mapping.n3 on your machine
>>>>> (you can probably skip that you mount using -v.
>>>>> Then you can make changes in wikidata.ttl. Try to replace the
>>>>> :BirthdaysTemplate and query with your own and see if it works. Worry
>>>>> about namespaces and filenames later :)
>>>>> Well and -e ENDPOINT and -e GRAPH_STORE values have to be replaced
>>>>> with your URLs of course.
>>>>> Martynas
>>>>> On Tue, Sep 17, 2019 at 3:24 PM Mikael Pesonen
>>>>> <> wrote:
>>>>>> Hi again!
>>>>>> Im reading instructions at There are some broken links at top.
>>>>>> docker run --rm \
>>>>>>        -p 8080:8080 \
>>>>>>        -e ENDPOINT="" \
>>>>>>        -e GRAPH_STORE="" \
>>>>>>        -e ONTOLOGY="" \
>>>>>>        -v "/c/Users/namedgraph/WebRoot/Processor/src/main/resources/":"/usr/local/tomcat/webapps/ROOT/WEB-INF/classes/" \
>>>>>>        -v "/c/Users/namedgraph/WebRoot/Processor/examples/wikidata.ttl":"/usr/local/tomcat/webapps/ROOT/WEB-INF/classes/org/wikidata/ldt.ttl" \
>>>>>>        -v "/c/Users/namedgraph/WebRoot/Processor/examples/location-mapping.n3":"/usr/local/tomcat/webapps/ROOT/WEB-INF/classes/custom-mapping.n3" \
>>>>>>        atomgraph/processor
>>>>>> What is the puspose of wikidata.ttl and where can I find it? location_mapping.n3 can be left out if its non custom?
>>>>>> So this would work?
>>>>>> docker run --rm \
>>>>>>        -p 8080:8080 \
>>>>>>        -e ENDPOINT="" \
>>>>>>        -e GRAPH_STORE="" \
>>>>>>        -e ONTOLOGY="" \
>>>>>>        -v "/c/Users/namedgraph/WebRoot/Processor/examples/wikidata.ttl":"/usr/local/tomcat/webapps/ROOT/WEB-INF/classes/org/wikidata/ldt.ttl" \
>>>>>>        atomgraph/processor
>>>>>> Mikael
>>>>>> On 17/09/2019 14:57, Martynas Jusevičius wrote:
>>>>>> Hi Mikael,
>>>>>> the template URI on its own is irrelevant here, it could be a blank
>>>>>> node resource. It becomes important when one intends to reuse
>>>>>> templates, e.g. extend them or reference them, possibly from another
>>>>>> LDT ontology.
>>>>>> Yes it is the ldt:match that holds the URI template that request URI
>>>>>> is matched against. I have expanded the explanation here:
>>>>>> As for the agent ID, one option to pass a value to the LDT template is
>>>>>> using template parameters:
>>>>>> Then if a request URI is
>>>>>> a variable binding (?agent, "123456") is applied to the query string
>>>>>> from ldt:query, before it is executed.
>>>>>> This might or might not work for your use case.
>>>>>> Martynas
>>>>>> On Tue, Sep 17, 2019 at 1:43 PM Mikael Pesonen
>>>>>> <> wrote:
>>>>>> Hmm, still mixing up things. So ldt:match has to match the resource URI.
>>>>>> On 17/09/2019 12:13, Mikael Pesonen wrote:
>>>>>> Ok now I got it, the template address has to be the same as resource URI.
>>>>>> Just one question, in our case, https://base/{uuid}, how should we
>>>>>> forward the agent id (access level) to the template for utilizing ACL?
>>>>>> On 17/09/2019 11:40, Martynas Jusevičius wrote:
>>>>>> Thanks Mikael,
>>>>>> the example makes it clearer.
>>>>>> So the URI template for all persons (and I guess all resources in
>>>>>> general?) is "/{uuid}", if we take as the
>>>>>> base URI. Which means that you could not match two different LDT
>>>>>> templates for different types of persons.
>>>>>> Then my suggestion with using a single template with a query that
>>>>>> references the ACL graph still stands. Let me know if you need help
>>>>>> setting it up in Processor.
>>>>>> Martynas
>>>>>> On Mon, Sep 16, 2019 at 11:27 AM Mikael Pesonen
>>>>>> <> wrote:
>>>>>> Here is a sample data:
>>>>>> <>
>>>>>>              a                        foaf:Person ;
>>>>>>              vcard:family-name        "Pesonen" ;
>>>>>>              vcard:fn                 "Mikael Pesonen" ;
>>>>>>              vcard:given-name         "Mikael" ;
>>>>>>              vcard:hasEmail
>>>>>> <> ,
>>>>>> <> ;
>>>>>>              vcard:hasGender          vcard:Male ;
>>>>>>              vcard:hasInstantMessage
>>>>>> <> ;
>>>>>>              vcard:hasPhoto
>>>>>> <> ;
>>>>>>              vcard:hasTelephone
>>>>>> <> ;
>>>>>>              org:basedAt
>>>>>> <> ;
>>>>>>              org:memberOf
>>>>>> <> ;
>>>>>>              foaf:account
>>>>>> <> ;
>>>>>> <>
>>>>>>              a                         vcard:Email , vcard:Work ;
>>>>>>              rdfs:label                "***" ;
>>>>>>              vcard:hasValue <mailto:***> .
>>>>>> So most of the person's values are resources and every resource has id
>>>>>> of type<UUID>.
>>>>>> Mikael
>>>>>> On 15/09/2019 01:02, Martynas Jusevičius wrote:
>>>>>> I meant the first and the ACL examples as alternatives, but yes you
>>>>>> can combine the approaches as well. Again, depends mostly on your URIs
>>>>>> - and are able to change their pattern?
>>>>>> I think it would help if you could show some RDF data that represents
>>>>>> your case (does not have to be the actual person data :)) Either paste
>>>>>> inline or as a Gist if it's larger.
>>>>>> Re. ACL, we use a filter in our LinkedDataHub platform that checks ACL
>>>>>> access before the actual LDT request is invoked. And if query results
>>>>>> need to depend on the access level, we reference the ACL dataset as I
>>>>>> showed in the example.
>>>>>> Martynas
>>>>>> On Fri, Sep 13, 2019 at 3:55 PM Mikael Pesonen
>>>>>> <> wrote:
>>>>>> Looking at your first example, looks like that and this acl
>>>>>> version work
>>>>>> both?
>>>>>> So as with your first example:
>>>>>> /person/basic_access/{id}
>>>>>> --
>>>>>> :BasicPersonAccessItem a ldt:Template ;
>>>>>>           ldt:match "/person/basic_access/{id}" ;
>>>>>>           ldt:query :ConstructBasicPerson ;
>>>>>> ----
>>>>>> /person/admin_access/{id}
>>>>>> --
>>>>>> :AdminPersonAccessItem a ldt:Template ;
>>>>>>           ldt:match "/person/admin_access/{id}" ;
>>>>>>           ldt:query :ConstructFullPerson ;
>>>>>> And this acl example
>>>>>> /person/{agent}/{id}
>>>>>> --
>>>>>> :PersonAccessItem a ldt:Template ;
>>>>>>           ldt:match "/person/{agent}/{id}" ;
>>>>>>           ldt:query :ConstructPerson ;
>>>>>> ...
>>>>>> ACL example sure is more refined since you can define the access
>>>>>> levels
>>>>>> in the ACL data.
>>>>>> On 13/09/2019 16:25, Martynas Jusevičius wrote:
>>>>>> Well if you only have one kind of person resources with a single URI
>>>>>> pattern, then you cannot select (match) different LDT templates.
>>>>>> That is because an LDT template maps one URI pattern to one SPARQL
>>>>>> command. The matching process is not looking into the SPARQL query
>>>>>> results at all, only at the request URI and the application's LDT
>>>>>> ontology.
>>>>>> I think you can solve this with a single query though. What we do is
>>>>>> provide the URI of the requesting agent as a query binding, e.g.
>>>>>> ?agent variable. Something like
>>>>>> :ConstructPerson a sp:Construct ;
>>>>>>           sp:text """
>>>>>> PREFIX  foaf: <>
>>>>>> PREFIX  acl:  <>
>>>>>>         {
>>>>>>           ?this a foaf:Person .
>>>>>>           ?this foaf:name ?name .
>>>>>>           ?this ?p ?o .
>>>>>>         }
>>>>>> WHERE
>>>>>>         {   { ?this  a                     foaf:Person ;
>>>>>>                      foaf:name             ?name
>>>>>>             }
>>>>>>           UNION
>>>>>>             { GRAPH <acl>
>>>>>>                 { ?auth  acl:accessTo  ?this ;
>>>>>>                        acl:agent ?agent .
>>>>>>                 }
>>>>>>               ?this  ?p  ?o
>>>>>>             }
>>>>>>         }
>>>>>>           """ ;
>>>>>>           rdfs:isDefinedBy : .
>>>>>> The idea is that the person query always returns "basic" properties,
>>>>>> and adds all properties *only* if the agent ?agent has an
>>>>>> authorization to access the requested resource ?this.
>>>>>> This approach requires that the query has access to the ACL data,
>>>>>> which I have indicated here as GRAPH <acl>. The actual pattern for
>>>>>> authorization check will probably be more complex of course.
>>>>>> It also requires that the authentication mechanism can provide
>>>>>> the URI
>>>>>> of the agent.
>>>>>> I hope I got what you meant :)
>>>>>> On Fri, Sep 13, 2019 at 2:58 PM Mikael Pesonen
>>>>>> <> wrote:
>>>>>> Ah, I might have explained our case bit vaguely. So I just meant
>>>>>> that we
>>>>>> have in RDF data one kind of person resources, and
>>>>>> depending on the access rights in the application, you are
>>>>>> allowed to
>>>>>> see different portions of that person's data.
>>>>>> Basic user sees only the name, for example, and admin user is
>>>>>> allowed to
>>>>>> see all data. This is handled by selecting different template
>>>>>> for basic
>>>>>> user and admin, right?
>>>>>> On 13/09/2019 15:52, Martynas Jusevičius wrote:
>>>>>> Mikael,
>>>>>> this is related to hierarchical URIs:
>>>>>> In your case, the question is how you have organized the
>>>>>> collections/items of basic and admin persons in your dataset.
>>>>>> One option is that both "basic persons" and "admin persons"
>>>>>> belong to
>>>>>> the same collection and have a single URI pattern: /persons/{id}
>>>>>> In this case you cannot tell if resource /persons/12345 is a
>>>>>> "basic
>>>>>> person" or "admin person" just from its URI. You need to
>>>>>> dereference
>>>>>> it and the look into RDF types and properties.
>>>>>> Another option is that you treat them as belonging to separate
>>>>>> collections, for example: /persons/{id} and /admins/{id}
>>>>>> In this case you can easily tell if a resource is a "basic
>>>>>> person" or
>>>>>> an "admin person" already from its URIs.
>>>>>> Linked Data Templates are best suited for this second case,
>>>>>> where URI
>>>>>> space is subdivided into hierarchies based on entity types.
>>>>>> That makes
>>>>>> it easy to define URI templates that match precisely the set of
>>>>>> resources that you want.
>>>>>> Does it make it clearer?
>>>>>> On Fri, Sep 13, 2019 at 2:08 PM Mikael Pesonen
>>>>>> <> wrote:
>>>>>> Hi Martynas,
>>>>>> thank you for the examples, GET seems clear now.
>>>>>> Good point about the person / document. We probably end up
>>>>>> with three
>>>>>> kind of resources: actual object, admin record (who last
>>>>>> modified etc),
>>>>>> and web page or another document about the object.
>>>>>> Just one question: what did you mean by
>>>>>> "If you cannot distinguish "basic person" from "admin person"
>>>>>> by their
>>>>>> URIs"?
>>>>>> We are not quite there yet with updates, so we might have
>>>>>> questions
>>>>>> later about those.
>>>>>> Br,
>>>>>> Mikael
>>>>>> On 11/09/2019 18:45, Martynas Jusevičius wrote:
>>>>>> Hi Mikael,
>>>>>> thanks for reaching out.
>>>>>> There is more information on LDT in the AtomGraph Processor
>>>>>> wiki, more
>>>>>> specifically:
>>>>>> The matching is based on URIs: relative request URI is being
>>>>>> matched
>>>>>> against the ldt:match values of templates in the ontology.
>>>>>> Then, from the matching template (if there is any), the
>>>>>> SPARQL command
>>>>>> is retrieved using either ldt:query or ldt:update (depending
>>>>>> on the
>>>>>> HTTP request method).
>>>>>> To address your example, templates and queries could look
>>>>>> like this:
>>>>>> :BasicPersonItem a ldt:Template ;
>>>>>>             ldt:match "/person/basic/{id}" ;
>>>>>>             ldt:query :ConstructBasicPerson ;
>>>>>>             rdfs:isDefinedBy : .
>>>>>> :ConstructBasicPerson a sp:Construct ;
>>>>>>             sp:text """
>>>>>>             PREFIX  foaf: <>
>>>>>>             CONSTRUCT
>>>>>>             {
>>>>>>                 ?this a foaf:Person ;
>>>>>>                     foaf:name ?name .
>>>>>>             }
>>>>>>             {
>>>>>>                 ?this a foaf:Person ;
>>>>>>                     foaf:name ?name .
>>>>>>             }
>>>>>>             """ ;
>>>>>>             rdfs:isDefinedBy : .
>>>>>> :AdminPersonItem a ldt:Template ;
>>>>>>             ldt:match "/person/admin/{id}" ;
>>>>>>             ldt:query :ConstructAdminPerson ;
>>>>>>             rdfs:isDefinedBy : .
>>>>>> :ConstructAdminPerson a sp:Construct ;
>>>>>>             sp:text """
>>>>>>             CONSTRUCT WHERE
>>>>>>             {
>>>>>>                 ?this ?p ?o
>>>>>>             }
>>>>>>             """ ;
>>>>>>             rdfs:isDefinedBy : .
>>>>>> "Basic person" query retrieves only name and type, "admin
>>>>>> person"
>>>>>> query retrieves all properties.
>>>>>> This example requires that basic and admin person resources
>>>>>> can be
>>>>>> differentiated by their URIs, i.e. "/person/basic/{id}" vs
>>>>>> "/person/admin/{id}".
>>>>>> It also assumes that persons are documents (since they can be
>>>>>> dereferenced over HTTP), which is not kosher re. httpRange-14
>>>>>> [1]. A
>>>>>> better solution would have separate resources for persons
>>>>>> e.g. using
>>>>>> hash URIs such as #this) and explicitly connect them to
>>>>>> documents
>>>>>> using an RDF property. We use
>>>>>> foaf:primaryTopic/foaf:isPrimaryTopicOf.
>>>>>> But this is a whole topic on its own.
>>>>>> If you cannot distinguish "basic person" from "admin person"
>>>>>> by their
>>>>>> URIs, you could also have a template that matches both and
>>>>>> maps to a
>>>>>> single query. The question is then whether you can
>>>>>> differentiate which
>>>>>> properties to return using a single query.
>>>>>> Does this help?
>>>>>> [1]
>>>>>> Martynas
>>>>>> On Wed, Sep 11, 2019 at 11:21 AM Mikael Pesonen
>>>>>> <> wrote:
>>>>>> Hi Martynas,
>>>>>> we have a proprietary implementation now:
>>>>>> js/React app generates a custom json out of form data. That
>>>>>> is sent
>>>>>> (with a template id) to also custom proxy, which converts
>>>>>> the json into
>>>>>> SPARQL using pre made templates. SPARQL is then queried on
>>>>>> Apache Jena.
>>>>>> Now we would like to replace all custom bits with one ore
>>>>>> more standards.
>>>>>> Is it possible to have any kind of templates with LDT? For
>>>>>> example
>>>>>> "person_basic" and "person_admin",
>>>>>> where admin contains more properties of a person?
>>>>>> I'm still having trouble to understand how the SPARQL
>>>>>> template is
>>>>>> selected with LDT.
>>>>>> Br,
>>>>>> Mikael
>>>>>> On 10/09/2019 15:50, Martynas Jusevičius wrote:
>>>>>> Hey Mikael,
>>>>>> we have a simple example here:
>>>>>> Do you have some specific use case in mind? If you can
>>>>>> share it, I can
>>>>>> probably look into it.
>>>>>> There is a Community Group for Linked Data Templates which
>>>>>> includes a
>>>>>> mailing list:
>>>>>> Martynas
>>>>>> On Tue, Sep 10, 2019 at 1:27 PM Mikael Pesonen
>>>>>> <> wrote:
>>>>>> In the example there is the GET request
>>>>>> GET
>>>>>> /people/Berners-Lee?
>>>>>> HTTP/1.1
>>>>>> Often you want to query different amounts of data
>>>>>> depending of the case. Sometimes for example, person name
>>>>>> is enough, other time you want all the triples (DESCRIBE).
>>>>>> How do you specify here the context?
>>>>>> BTW is there a dedicated forum for discussing Linked Data
>>>>>> Templates?
>>>>>> --
>>>>>> Lingsoft - 30 years of Leading Language Management
>>>>>> Speech Applications - Language Management - Translation -
>>>>>> Reader's and Writer's Tools - Text Tools - E-books and M-books
>>>>>> Mikael Pesonen
>>>>>> System Engineer
>>>>>> e-mail:
>>>>>> Tel. +358 2 279 3300
>>>>>> Time zone: GMT+2
>>>>>> Helsinki Office
>>>>>> Eteläranta 10
>>>>>> FI-00130 Helsinki
>>>>>> FINLAND
>>>>>> Turku Office
>>>>>> Kauppiaskatu 5 A
>>>>>> FI-20100 Turku
>>>>>> FINLAND
>>>>>> --
>>>>>> Lingsoft - 30 years of Leading Language Management
>>>>>> Speech Applications - Language Management - Translation -
>>>>>> Reader's and Writer's Tools - Text Tools - E-books and M-books
>>>>>> Mikael Pesonen
>>>>>> System Engineer
>>>>>> e-mail:
>>>>>> Tel. +358 2 279 3300
>>>>>> Time zone: GMT+2
>>>>>> Helsinki Office
>>>>>> Eteläranta 10
>>>>>> FI-00130 Helsinki
>>>>>> FINLAND
>>>>>> Turku Office
>>>>>> Kauppiaskatu 5 A
>>>>>> FI-20100 Turku
>>>>>> FINLAND
>>>>>> --
>>>>>> Lingsoft - 30 years of Leading Language Management
>>>>>> Speech Applications - Language Management - Translation -
>>>>>> Reader's and Writer's Tools - Text Tools - E-books and M-books
>>>>>> Mikael Pesonen
>>>>>> System Engineer
>>>>>> e-mail:
>>>>>> Tel. +358 2 279 3300
>>>>>> Time zone: GMT+2
>>>>>> Helsinki Office
>>>>>> Eteläranta 10
>>>>>> FI-00130 Helsinki
>>>>>> FINLAND
>>>>>> Turku Office
>>>>>> Kauppiaskatu 5 A
>>>>>> FI-20100 Turku
>>>>>> FINLAND
>>>>>> --
>>>>>> Lingsoft - 30 years of Leading Language Management
>>>>>> Speech Applications - Language Management - Translation - Reader's
>>>>>> and Writer's Tools - Text Tools - E-books and M-books
>>>>>> Mikael Pesonen
>>>>>> System Engineer
>>>>>> e-mail:
>>>>>> Tel. +358 2 279 3300
>>>>>> Time zone: GMT+2
>>>>>> Helsinki Office
>>>>>> Eteläranta 10
>>>>>> FI-00130 Helsinki
>>>>>> FINLAND
>>>>>> Turku Office
>>>>>> Kauppiaskatu 5 A
>>>>>> FI-20100 Turku
>>>>>> FINLAND
>>>>>> --
>>>>>> Lingsoft - 30 years of Leading Language Management
>>>>>> Speech Applications - Language Management - Translation - Reader's
>>>>>> and Writer's Tools - Text Tools - E-books and M-books
>>>>>> Mikael Pesonen
>>>>>> System Engineer
>>>>>> e-mail:
>>>>>> Tel. +358 2 279 3300
>>>>>> Time zone: GMT+2
>>>>>> Helsinki Office
>>>>>> Eteläranta 10
>>>>>> FI-00130 Helsinki
>>>>>> FINLAND
>>>>>> Turku Office
>>>>>> Kauppiaskatu 5 A
>>>>>> FI-20100 Turku
>>>>>> FINLAND
>>>>>> --
>>>>>> Lingsoft - 30 years of Leading Language Management
>>>>>> Speech Applications - Language Management - Translation - Reader's and Writer's Tools - Text Tools - E-books and M-books
>>>>>> Mikael Pesonen
>>>>>> System Engineer
>>>>>> e-mail:
>>>>>> Tel. +358 2 279 3300
>>>>>> Time zone: GMT+2
>>>>>> Helsinki Office
>>>>>> Eteläranta 10
>>>>>> FI-00130 Helsinki
>>>>>> FINLAND
>>>>>> Turku Office
>>>>>> Kauppiaskatu 5 A
>>>>>> FI-20100 Turku
>>>>>> FINLAND
>>>>>> --
>>>>>> Lingsoft - 30 years of Leading Language Management
>>>>>> Speech Applications - Language Management - Translation - Reader's and Writer's Tools - Text Tools - E-books and M-books
>>>>>> Mikael Pesonen
>>>>>> System Engineer
>>>>>> e-mail:
>>>>>> Tel. +358 2 279 3300
>>>>>> Time zone: GMT+2
>>>>>> Helsinki Office
>>>>>> Eteläranta 10
>>>>>> FI-00130 Helsinki
>>>>>> FINLAND
>>>>>> Turku Office
>>>>>> Kauppiaskatu 5 A
>>>>>> FI-20100 Turku
>>>>>> FINLAND
>>>> --
>>>> Lingsoft - 30 years of Leading Language Management
>>>> Speech Applications - Language Management - Translation - Reader's and Writer's Tools - Text Tools - E-books and M-books
>>>> Mikael Pesonen
>>>> System Engineer
>>>> e-mail:
>>>> Tel. +358 2 279 3300
>>>> Time zone: GMT+2
>>>> Helsinki Office
>>>> Eteläranta 10
>>>> FI-00130 Helsinki
>>>> Turku Office
>>>> Kauppiaskatu 5 A
>>>> FI-20100 Turku
>> --
>> Lingsoft - 30 years of Leading Language Management
>> Speech Applications - Language Management - Translation - Reader's and Writer's Tools - Text Tools - E-books and M-books
>> Mikael Pesonen
>> System Engineer
>> e-mail:
>> Tel. +358 2 279 3300
>> Time zone: GMT+2
>> Helsinki Office
>> Eteläranta 10
>> FI-00130 Helsinki
>> Turku Office
>> Kauppiaskatu 5 A
>> FI-20100 Turku

Lingsoft - 30 years of Leading Language Management

Speech Applications - Language Management - Translation - Reader's and Writer's Tools - Text Tools - E-books and M-books

Mikael Pesonen
System Engineer

Tel. +358 2 279 3300

Time zone: GMT+2

Helsinki Office
Eteläranta 10
FI-00130 Helsinki

Turku Office
Kauppiaskatu 5 A
FI-20100 Turku

Received on Wednesday, 18 September 2019 13:19:36 UTC