Re: Safe manipulation of RDF data (from semantic-web)

Hi Martynas,

I've been distracted with other cases now so this on on hold for a bit.


On 23/10/2019 10:50, Martynas Jusevičius wrote:
> Hi Mikael,
> have you managed to set it up?
> On Wed, Oct 2, 2019 at 4:47 PM Mikael Pesonen
> <> wrote:
>> Okay I'll discuss it here. Thanks again for the help!
>> Br,
>> Mikael
>> On 02/10/2019 17:42, Martynas Jusevičius wrote:
>>> If you expose its port(s) to the host, then yes. The example exposes
>>> Fuseki on http://localhost:3030.
>>> On Wed, Oct 2, 2019 at 3:40 PM Mikael Pesonen
>>> <> wrote:
>>>> If Fuseki is run inside docker, is it still accessible from outside normally?
>>>> On 02/10/2019 16:20, Martynas Jusevičius wrote:
>>>> Well that complicates the setup a bit. A proper solution would be to run your Fuseki within Docker as well - just as the example does.
>>>> If that is not an option, I need to look into how to address this.
>>>> On Wed, 2 Oct 2019 at 15.05, Mikael Pesonen <> wrote:
>>>>> Everything is working on out intra net, so no public adresses.
>>>>> On 02/10/2019 16:04, Martynas Jusevičius wrote:
>>>>>> Is some kind of internal hostname? It does
>>>>>> not seem to be publicly accessible.
>>>>>> On Wed, Oct 2, 2019 at 2:56 PM Mikael Pesonen
>>>>>> <> wrote:
>>>>>>> That works but then Fuseki at is not
>>>>>>> found. Maybe there is another solution for that?
>>>>>>> On 02/10/2019 15:54, Martynas Jusevičius wrote:
>>>>>>>> Can you please remove the network_mode: host and see if it helps?
>>>>>>>> On Wed, Oct 2, 2019 at 2:52 PM Mikael Pesonen
>>>>>>>> <> wrote:
>>>>>>>>> That one I tried and it still results the error
>>>>>>>>> processor_1  | 02-Oct-2019 12:50:18.057 SEVERE [main]
>>>>>>>>> org.apache.coyote.AbstractProtocol.init Failed to initialize end point
>>>>>>>>> associated with ProtocolHandler ["http-apr-8080"]
>>>>>>>>> processor_1  |  java.lang.Exception: Socket bind failed: [98] Address
>>>>>>>>> already in use
>>>>>>>>> yml:
>>>>>>>>> version: "2"
>>>>>>>>> services:
>>>>>>>>>        processor:
>>>>>>>>>          image: atomgraph/processor
>>>>>>>>>          ports:
>>>>>>>>>            - 8090:8080
>>>>>>>>>            - 8010:8000 # debugger
>>>>>>>>>          environment:
>>>>>>>>>            - JPDA_ADDRESS=8000 # debugger port
>>>>>>>>>            - ENDPOINT="" #
>>>>>>>>> hostname equals service name
>>>>>>>>>            - GRAPH_STORE="" #
>>>>>>>>> hostname equals service name
>>>>>>>>>            - ONTOLOGY=""
>>>>>>>>>          volumes:
>>>>>>>>>            -
>>>>>>>>> /home/text/cases/nimisampo/proxy/location-mapping.n3:/usr/local/tomcat/webapps/ROOT/WEB-INF/classes/custom-mapping.n3
>>>>>>>>>            -
>>>>>>>>> /home/text/cases/nimisampo/proxy/person.ttl:/usr/local/tomcat/webapps/ROOT/WEB-INF/classes/org/wikidata/ldt.ttl
>>>>>>>>>            -
>>>>>>>>> /home/text/cases/nimisampo/proxy/
>>>>>>>>>          network_mode: host
>>>>>>>>>        nginx:
>>>>>>>>>          image: nginx
>>>>>>>>>          depends_on:
>>>>>>>>>            - processor
>>>>>>>>>          ports:
>>>>>>>>>            - 90:80
>>>>>>>>>          environment:
>>>>>>>>>            - PROXY_PASS=http://localhost:8080 # internal Processor URL
>>>>>>>>> (hostname equals docker-compose service name)
>>>>>>>>>            - PROXY_SET_HOST= # the hostname set
>>>>>>>>> on the request URI before it's passed to Processor
>>>>>>>>>          volumes:
>>>>>>>>>            - ./nginx.conf.template:/etc/nginx/nginx.conf.template:ro
>>>>>>>>>          command: /bin/bash -c "envsubst '$$PROXY_PASS $$PROXY_SET_HOST' <
>>>>>>>>> /etc/nginx/nginx.conf.template > /etc/nginx/nginx.conf && nginx -g
>>>>>>>>> 'daemon off;'"
>>>>>>>>> On 02/10/2019 15:38, Martynas Jusevičius wrote:
>>>>>>>>>> Then you can try mapping for example 8090:8080 for processor and 90:80
>>>>>>>>>> for nginx.
>>>>>>>>>> nginx will be available on http://localhost:90.
>>>>>>>>>> If you only will use the nginx address, then the processor port
>>>>>>>>>> mapping is not necessary and can be removed (nginx will still
>>>>>>>>>> communicate with processor inside the container network, but processor
>>>>>>>>>> will not exposed to the host anymore).
>>>>>>>>>> On Wed, Oct 2, 2019 at 2:29 PM Mikael Pesonen
>>>>>>>>>> <> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>> Unfortunately we have other services running on ports 8080 and 80...
>>>>>>>>>>> On 02/10/2019 14:17, Martynas Jusevičius wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>> Mikael,
>>>>>>>>>>>> you shouldn't have changed the ports. Left-hand side is the host port,
>>>>>>>>>>>> so now you have both processor and nginx trying to get exposed on port
>>>>>>>>>>>> 8090 of your host, which fails.
>>>>>>>>>>>> 8080:8080 for processor and 80:80 for nginx should be adequate. Unless
>>>>>>>>>>>> you already have something running on host 80 on your host?
>>>>>>>>>>>> Also network_mode: host should not be necessary.
>>>>>>>>>>>> On Wed, Oct 2, 2019 at 12:18 PM Mikael Pesonen
>>>>>>>>>>>> <> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Compose worked when started with sudo. Now I'm lost with the ports
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> sudo docker-compose up
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Removing proxy_nginx_1
>>>>>>>>>>>>> proxy_processor_1 is up-to-date
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Recreating 17117cafe8ef_proxy_nginx_1
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Attaching to proxy_processor_1, proxy_nginx_1
>>>>>>>>>>>>> nginx_1      | envsubst: error while reading "standard input": Is a directory
>>>>>>>>>>>>> processor_1  | @prefix lm: <> .
>>>>>>>>>>>>> processor_1  |
>>>>>>>>>>>>> processor_1  | [] lm:mapping
>>>>>>>>>>>>> processor_1  |
>>>>>>>>>>>>> processor_1  |    [ lm:name "" ;                                 lm:altName "com/atomgraph/processor/ldt.ttl" ] ,
>>>>>>>>>>>>> processor_1  |    [ lm:name "" ;                     lm:altName "com/atomgraph/processor/c.ttl" ] ,
>>>>>>>>>>>>> processor_1  |    [ lm:name "" ;                  lm:altName "com/atomgraph/processor/ct.ttl" ] ,
>>>>>>>>>>>>> processor_1  |    [ lm:name "" ;          lm:altName "com/atomgraph/processor/ngt.ttl" ] ,
>>>>>>>>>>>>> processor_1  |    [ lm:name "" ;       lm:altName "com/atomgraph/processor/dh.ttl" ] ,
>>>>>>>>>>>>> processor_1  |    [ lm:name "" ;       lm:altName "com/atomgraph/processor/tht.ttl" ] ,
>>>>>>>>>>>>> processor_1  |    [ lm:name "" ;                                   lm:altName "com/atomgraph/processor/sioc.owl" ] ,
>>>>>>>>>>>>> processor_1  |    [ lm:name "" ;                                   lm:altName "com/atomgraph/processor/void.owl" ] ,
>>>>>>>>>>>>> processor_1  |    [ lm:name "" ;                               lm:altName "com/atomgraph/processor/http.owl" ] ,
>>>>>>>>>>>>> processor_1  |    [ lm:name "" ;                                lm:altName "com/atomgraph/processor/http.owl" ] ,
>>>>>>>>>>>>> processor_1  |    [ lm:name "" ;                   lm:altName "com/atomgraph/processor/http-statusCodes.rdf" ] ,
>>>>>>>>>>>>> processor_1  |    [ lm:name "" ;                    lm:altName "com/atomgraph/processor/http-statusCodes.rdf" ] ,
>>>>>>>>>>>>> processor_1  |    [ lm:name "" ;           lm:altName "com/atomgraph/processor/sparql-service.owl" ] ,
>>>>>>>>>>>>> processor_1  |    [ lm:name "" ;                                 lm:altName "com/atomgraph/processor/foaf.owl" ] ,
>>>>>>>>>>>>> processor_1  |    [ lm:name "" ;                                     lm:altName "etc/sp.ttl" ] ,
>>>>>>>>>>>>> processor_1  |    [ lm:name "" ;                                      lm:altName "etc/sp.ttl" ] ,
>>>>>>>>>>>>> processor_1  |    [ lm:name "" ;                                   lm:altName "etc/spin.ttl" ] ,
>>>>>>>>>>>>> processor_1  |    [ lm:name "" ;                                    lm:altName "etc/spin.ttl" ] ,
>>>>>>>>>>>>> processor_1  |    [ lm:name "" ;                                    lm:altName "etc/spl.spin.ttl" ] ,
>>>>>>>>>>>>> processor_1  |    [ lm:name "" ;                                     lm:altName "etc/spl.spin.ttl" ]
>>>>>>>>>>>>> processor_1  | .@prefix lm: <> .
>>>>>>>>>>>>> processor_1  |
>>>>>>>>>>>>> processor_1  | [] lm:mapping
>>>>>>>>>>>>> processor_1  |
>>>>>>>>>>>>> processor_1  |    [ lm:name "" ; lm:altName "org/wikidata/ldt.ttl" ] ,
>>>>>>>>>>>>> processor_1  |    [ lm:name "" ; lm:altName "org/wikidata/ldt.ttl" ]
>>>>>>>>>>>>> processor_1  | .Listening for transport dt_socket at address: 8000
>>>>>>>>>>>>> processor_1  | 02-Oct-2019 10:15:33.204 INFO [main] org.apache.catalina.startup.VersionLoggerListener.log Server version:        Apache Tomcat/8.0.52
>>>>>>>>>>>>> processor_1  | 02-Oct-2019 10:15:33.206 INFO [main] org.apache.catalina.startup.VersionLoggerListener.log Server built:          Apr 28 2018 16:24:29 UTC
>>>>>>>>>>>>> processor_1  | 02-Oct-2019 10:15:33.206 INFO [main] org.apache.catalina.startup.VersionLoggerListener.log Server number:
>>>>>>>>>>>>> processor_1  | 02-Oct-2019 10:15:33.207 INFO [main] org.apache.catalina.startup.VersionLoggerListener.log OS Name:               Linux
>>>>>>>>>>>>> processor_1  | 02-Oct-2019 10:15:33.207 INFO [main] org.apache.catalina.startup.VersionLoggerListener.log OS Version:            4.4.0-148-generic
>>>>>>>>>>>>> processor_1  | 02-Oct-2019 10:15:33.207 INFO [main] org.apache.catalina.startup.VersionLoggerListener.log Architecture:          amd64
>>>>>>>>>>>>> processor_1  | 02-Oct-2019 10:15:33.207 INFO [main] org.apache.catalina.startup.VersionLoggerListener.log Java Home:             /usr/lib/jvm/java-8-openjdk-amd64/jre
>>>>>>>>>>>>> processor_1  | 02-Oct-2019 10:15:33.208 INFO [main] org.apache.catalina.startup.VersionLoggerListener.log JVM Version:           1.8.0_171-8u171-b11-1~deb9u1-b11
>>>>>>>>>>>>> processor_1  | 02-Oct-2019 10:15:33.208 INFO [main] org.apache.catalina.startup.VersionLoggerListener.log JVM Vendor:            Oracle Corporation
>>>>>>>>>>>>> processor_1  | 02-Oct-2019 10:15:33.208 INFO [main] org.apache.catalina.startup.VersionLoggerListener.log CATALINA_BASE:         /usr/local/tomcat
>>>>>>>>>>>>> processor_1  | 02-Oct-2019 10:15:33.208 INFO [main] org.apache.catalina.startup.VersionLoggerListener.log CATALINA_HOME:         /usr/local/tomcat
>>>>>>>>>>>>> processor_1  | 02-Oct-2019 10:15:33.209 INFO [main] org.apache.catalina.startup.VersionLoggerListener.log Command line argument: -Djava.util.logging.config.file=/usr/local/to                                                                mcat/conf/
>>>>>>>>>>>>> processor_1  | 02-Oct-2019 10:15:33.209 INFO [main] org.apache.catalina.startup.VersionLoggerListener.log Command line argument: -Djava.util.logging.manager=org.apache.juli.C                                                                lassLoaderLogManager
>>>>>>>>>>>>> processor_1  | 02-Oct-2019 10:15:33.210 INFO [main] org.apache.catalina.startup.VersionLoggerListener.log Command line argument: -Djdk.tls.ephemeralDHKeySize=2048
>>>>>>>>>>>>> processor_1  | 02-Oct-2019 10:15:33.210 INFO [main] org.apache.catalina.startup.VersionLoggerListener.log Command line argument: -Djava.protocol.handler.pkgs=org.apache.catal                                                                ina.webresources
>>>>>>>>>>>>> processor_1  | 02-Oct-2019 10:15:33.210 INFO [main] org.apache.catalina.startup.VersionLoggerListener.log Command line argument: -agentlib:jdwp=transport=dt_socket,address=80                                                                00,server=y,suspend=n
>>>>>>>>>>>>> processor_1  | 02-Oct-2019 10:15:33.210 INFO [main] org.apache.catalina.startup.VersionLoggerListener.log Command line argument: -Dignore.endorsed.dirs=
>>>>>>>>>>>>> processor_1  | 02-Oct-2019 10:15:33.211 INFO [main] org.apache.catalina.startup.VersionLoggerListener.log Command line argument: -Dcatalina.base=/usr/local/tomcat
>>>>>>>>>>>>> processor_1  | 02-Oct-2019 10:15:33.211 INFO [main] org.apache.catalina.startup.VersionLoggerListener.log Command line argument: -Dcatalina.home=/usr/local/tomcat
>>>>>>>>>>>>> processor_1  | 02-Oct-2019 10:15:33.212 INFO [main] org.apache.catalina.startup.VersionLoggerListener.log Command line argument:
>>>>>>>>>>>>> processor_1  | 02-Oct-2019 10:15:33.212 INFO [main] org.apache.catalina.core.AprLifecycleListener.lifecycleEvent Loaded APR based Apache Tomcat Native library 1.2.16 using AP                                                                R version 1.5.2.
>>>>>>>>>>>>> processor_1  | 02-Oct-2019 10:15:33.212 INFO [main] org.apache.catalina.core.AprLifecycleListener.lifecycleEvent APR capabilities: IPv6 [true], sendfile [true], accept filter                                                                s [false], random [true].
>>>>>>>>>>>>> processor_1  | 02-Oct-2019 10:15:33.217 INFO [main] org.apache.catalina.core.AprLifecycleListener.initializeSSL OpenSSL successfully initialized (OpenSSL 1.1.0f  25 May 2017)
>>>>>>>>>>>>> processor_1  | 02-Oct-2019 10:15:33.295 INFO [main] org.apache.coyote.AbstractProtocol.init Initializing ProtocolHandler ["http-apr-8080"]
>>>>>>>>>>>>> processor_1  | 02-Oct-2019 10:15:33.303 SEVERE [main] org.apache.coyote.AbstractProtocol.init Failed to initialize end point associated with ProtocolHandler ["http-apr-8080"]
>>>>>>>>>>>>> processor_1  |  java.lang.Exception: Socket bind failed: [98] Address already in use
>>>>>>>>>>>>> yml:
>>>>>>>>>>>>> version: "2"
>>>>>>>>>>>>> services:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>         processor:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>           image: atomgraph/processor
>>>>>>>>>>>>>           ports:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>             - 8090:8080
>>>>>>>>>>>>>             - 8010:8000 # debugger
>>>>>>>>>>>>>           environment:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>             - JPDA_ADDRESS=8000 # debugger port
>>>>>>>>>>>>>             - ENDPOINT="" # hostname equals service name
>>>>>>>>>>>>>             - GRAPH_STORE="" # hostname equals service name
>>>>>>>>>>>>>             - ONTOLOGY=""
>>>>>>>>>>>>>           volumes:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>             - /home/text/cases/nimisampo/proxy/location-mapping.n3:/usr/local/tomcat/webapps/ROOT/WEB-INF/classes/custom-mapping.n3
>>>>>>>>>>>>>             - /home/text/cases/nimisampo/proxy/person.ttl:/usr/local/tomcat/webapps/ROOT/WEB-INF/classes/org/wikidata/ldt.ttl
>>>>>>>>>>>>>             - /home/text/cases/nimisampo/proxy/
>>>>>>>>>>>>>           network_mode: host
>>>>>>>>>>>>>         nginx:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>           image: nginx
>>>>>>>>>>>>>           depends_on:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>             - processor
>>>>>>>>>>>>>           ports:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>             - 8090:80
>>>>>>>>>>>>>           environment:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>             - PROXY_PASS=http://localhost:8080 # internal Processor URL (hostname equals docker-compose service name)
>>>>>>>>>>>>>             - PROXY_SET_HOST= # the hostname set on the request URI before it's passed to Processor
>>>>>>>>>>>>>           volumes:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>             - ./nginx.conf.template:/etc/nginx/nginx.conf.template:ro
>>>>>>>>>>>>>           command: /bin/bash -c "envsubst '$$PROXY_PASS $$PROXY_SET_HOST' < /etc/nginx/nginx.conf.template > /etc/nginx/nginx.conf && nginx -g 'daemon off;'"
>>>>>>>>>>>>> On 02/10/2019 12:47, Martynas Jusevičius wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Mikael,
>>>>>>>>>>>>> I’ll try to help, but this is getting out of the realm of Processor.
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Have you completed the Docker post-installation steps for Linux?
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Also check the suggestions here:
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Regarding the nginx conf, just use the one from the example - it is controlled using the PROXY_PASS/PROXY_SET_HOST variables.
>>>>>>>>>>>>> On Wed, 2 Oct 2019 at 11.14, Mikael Pesonen <> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> I have, see the error messages at the end of my previous message.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> On 01/10/2019 18:19, Martynas Jusevičius wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Hi Mikael,
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> have you installed docker-compose? It’s a separate runtime:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Also, are you running docker-compose from
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> the folder where docker-compose.yml file is located?
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> On Tue, 1 Oct 2019 at 11.47, Mikael Pesonen <> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Hi Martynas,
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> I have a compose file now:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> version: "2"
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> services:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>          processor:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>            image: atomgraph/processor
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>            ports:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>              - 8090:8080
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>              - 8010:8000 # debugger
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>            environment:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>              - JPDA_ADDRESS=8000 # debugger port
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>              - ENDPOINT="" #
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> hostname equals service name
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>              - GRAPH_STORE="" #
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> hostname equals service name
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>              - ONTOLOGY=""
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>            volumes:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>              -
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> /home/text/cases/nimisampo/proxy/location-mapping.n3:/usr/local/tomcat/webapps/ROOT/WEB-INF/classes/custom-mapping.n3
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>              -
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> /home/text/cases/nimisampo/proxy/person.ttl:/usr/local/tomcat/webapps/ROOT/WEB-INF/classes/org/wikidata/ldt.ttl
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>              -
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> /home/text/cases/nimisampo/proxy/
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>          nginx:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>            image: nginx
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>            depends_on:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>              - processor
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>            ports:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>              - 80:80
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>            environment:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>              - PROXY_PASS=http://localhost:8080 # internal Processor URL
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> (hostname equals docker-compose service name)
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>              - PROXY_SET_HOST= # the hostname set
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> on the request URI before it's passed to Processor
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>            volumes:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>              - ./nginx.conf.template:/etc/nginx/nginx.conf.template:ro
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>            command: /bin/bash -c "envsubst '$$PROXY_PASS $$PROXY_SET_HOST' <
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> /etc/nginx/nginx.conf.template > /etc/nginx/nginx.conf && nginx -g
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 'daemon off;'"
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Not sure how nginx env should be, but running this results error
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>        >> docker-compose up
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> ERROR: Couldn't connect to Docker daemon at
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> http+docker://localunixsocket - is it running?
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>        >> sudo service docker status
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> ● docker.service - Docker Application Container Engine
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>           Loaded: loaded (/lib/systemd/system/docker.service; enabled; vendor
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> preset: enabled)
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>           Active: active (running) since Tue 2019-09-17 16:06:30 EEST; 1 weeks
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 6 days ago
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>             Docs:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>         Main PID: 15816 (dockerd)
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>            Tasks: 13
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>           Memory: 610.3M
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>              CPU: 5min 15.038s
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>           CGroup: /system.slice/docker.service
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>                   └─15816 /usr/bin/dockerd -H fd://
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> --containerd=/run/containerd/containerd.sock
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> This is probably related to setting up docker but looks like we have
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> limited knowledge on that here. Do you have an idea?
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Mikael
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> On 27/09/2019 10:46, Martynas Jusevičius wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Hi Mikael,
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> On Tue, Sep 24, 2019 at 11:21 AM Mikael Pesonen
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> <> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> On 23/09/2019 23:23, Martynas Jusevičius wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> No not exactly. Let me picture the basic setup:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> HTTP client -> [ nginx/localhost:8090 ->
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Processor/ ] -> SPARQL endpoint
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> You can continue using port 8090 if that is what you prefer, or you
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> can choose any different port. But what you have now is nginx fronting
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Processor, just for the purpose of rewriting the URL base to
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> before Processor receives the request, and that
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> way making sure that the queries from the LDT ontology will select
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> something from your dataset.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Nothing changes for the outside consumer -- since nginx and Processor
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> are both running as Docker containers, they communicate via the
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> internal Docker network and the host network is not affected.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> I'm pretty sure nginx can do this, will try tomorrow.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Okay thanks for this, forwarded to our tech support.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> I've setup an example as promised. nginx is now a reverse proxy in
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> front of Processor in the Fuseki example:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Processor is now available on two different hostnames. In the second
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> case the request goes through nginx and the hostname is rewritten to
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> before the Processor, and becomes BASE
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> <> in queries.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> $ curl http://localhost:8080/
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> <http://localhost:8080/>
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> <>
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> <> .
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> <http://localhost:8080/> <> "localhost:8080" .
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> <http://localhost:8080/> <> "This
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> is an RDF document served by AtomGraph Processor" .
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> <http://localhost:8080/>
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> <>
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> <http://localhost:8080/sparql> .
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> $ curl http://localhost/
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> <>
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> <>
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> <> .
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> <> <> "" .
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> <> <> "This is
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> an RDF document served by AtomGraph Processor" .
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> <> <>
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> <> .
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> The key configuration is in
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> docker-compose.yml. In your case it would be
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Re. parameters, you cannot supply the template URI itself as a
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> parameter -- only parameters for whichever template matches the path
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> of the request URI by ldt:match. In other words, the URL is a template
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> call, with ?this being the default argument, and then any parameters
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> from the URL query string.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> An example of agent param (basically same as in Wikidata's example):
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> :PersonItem a ldt:Template ;
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>             rdfs:label "Person template" ;
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>             ldt:match "/{uuid}" ;
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>             ldt:param :AgentParam ;
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>             ldt:query [ a :PersonQueryTemplate ] ;
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>             rdfs:isDefinedBy : .
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> :AgentParam a ldt:Parameter ;
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>             rdfs:label "Agent parameter" ;
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>             spl:predicate :agent ; # parameter name in the URL query string
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>             spl:valueType rdfs:Resource ;
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>             spl:optional true ;
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>             rdfs:isDefinedBy : .
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> :PersonQueryTemplate a spin:Template ;
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>             rdfs:label "Person query template" ;
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>             spin:constraint :AgentParam ;
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>             spin:body :PersonQuery ;
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>             rdfs:isDefinedBy : .
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> :PersonQuery a ldt:Query, sp:Construct ;
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>             rdfs:label "Person query" ;
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>             sp:text """
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> CONSTRUCT
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> {
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>             ...
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> }
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>             """ ;
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>             rdfs:isDefinedBy : .
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> So in this case, how does the query url look like?
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>><uuid> plus something.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> For example:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> URL parameter values have to be percent-encoded:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> More info on parameters:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> On Mon, Sep 23, 2019 at 1:56 PM Mikael Pesonen
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> <> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Okay so it's possible to have servers on same name? We have public
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> server serving content, and
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> another server, say, where reverse proxy is redirecting
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> calls to AtomGraph at localhost:8090 so that AtomGraph thinks it's
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> running at I have to test that with our tech support.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Then there is still the question about passing more than one parameters.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> So when we make a query
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> what kind of ontology is needed for the mapping. Could we please have an
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> example of that too?
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Mikael
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> On 23/09/2019 13:37, Martynas Jusevičius wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Mikael,
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> I agree this is a common use case that needs a solution, but I don't
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> think the LDT specification is the right place to address it. More
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> like the Processor documentation.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> I think the core issue here is information hiding:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> You want the Processor to work as if the request is coming from
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>, yet it is really coming from
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> http://localhost:8090/. You want to introduce an indirection that is
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> hidden from the data consumer.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> This is very much like having a webapp running on
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> http://localhost:8090/ but wanting to expose it as http://localhost/,
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> i.e. hiding the port number.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> What you would normally do is put a reverse proxy server such as
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Apache or nginx in front of the webapp that would rewrite the URL and
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> hide the port from the outside.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> The same solution applies here. You could have nginx in front of
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Processor that rewrites the request URL from http://localhost:8090/ to
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> I think this is the cleanest approach - one simple component is
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> introduced and neither Processor nor LDT spec require changes.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> More info:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> If you want to try this, I can put together a docker-compose.yml with
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> nginx in front of Processor, using their Docker image:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Martynas
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> On Mon, Sep 23, 2019 at 11:35 AM Mikael Pesonen
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> <> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Hi Martynas,
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> On 21/09/2019 12:20, Martynas Jusevičius wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Hi Mikael,
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> OK there is quite a bit to unpack here :)
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> In relation to your first question, I added such a paragraph to documentation:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> "Note that the base URI of the RDF dataset in the SPARQL service needs
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> to be aligned with the base URI of the Processor instance. Considering
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> the example above, the dataset should contain some
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> http://localhost:8080/-based URIs, otherwise ?this will never match
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> any resources and the query results will be empty, leading to a 404
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Not Found response."
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> So in your case the Processor base URI is http://localhost:8090/, but
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> the issue is the same: the base URI of your dataset is totally
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> different:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> ?this URI has to have a direct match in your dataset. And its value is
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> the *full* request URI (though without query string), not a URI
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> provided in the path as you are attempting.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> In other words, if you want this LDT example to work on your
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> dataset, the Processor should be
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> deployed on, and then requests to
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> would work.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> This is easier said than done, because you most likely already have a
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> system running on that domain.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> You are right, we have this server running for serving content. This is probably quite common scenario.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> So what we usually do is "rebase" the
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> RDF dataset to the base URI of the Processor that we are testing on.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> You could do that by exporting your RDF dataset as N-Triples or
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> N-Quads and simply replacing with
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> http://localhost:8090/. Put the rebased dataset in a separate test
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> triplestore.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Then a request to
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> http://localhost:8090/286c384d-cd5c-4887-9b85-94c0c147f709 should
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> work.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> This seems quite a heavy solution, to keep in sync two datasets.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> There are workarounds without doing URI rebasing, for example you
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> could still request
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> http://localhost:8090/286c384d-cd5c-4887-9b85-94c0c147f709 and in the
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> query do smth like (not tested)
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>              BIND (STRAFTER(STR(?this), STR(<>)) AS ?id)
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>              BIND (URI(CONCAT("", ?id)) AS ?realThis)
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> and then use ?realThis in the query instead of ?this. What this code
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> does is extract the ID from the request URI by stripping the
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> http://localhost:8090/ base URI (which comes from BASE
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> <http://localhost:8090/>) and concatenating it with the real base URI
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> of your dataset, which is <>.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> This approach is not recommended however, because URIs are opaque
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> identifiers, and their contents should not be parsed in order to
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> extract information (such as the ID in this case):
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Alternatively, you could have a JAX-RS filter that changes the base
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> URI in the UriInfo object. That way the LDT processor could use a
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> ?this URI in queries which is different from the real request URI. But
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> again, this is more of a hack.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Since the resource uri is most often used for serving content, it would seem that LDT spec needs some "official",  non hack way to handle the calls? One way that comes to mind is to use URL parameters so that for example call to
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> would be parsed at our content server and forwarded to AtomGraph when ldt parameter is seen. But still LDT would need to support this in some official way. What do you think?
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Br,
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Mikael
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Lets address the rest of your questions when we have this figured out.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> On Fri, Sep 20, 2019 at 12:13 PM Mikael Pesonen
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> <> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Thanks, makes more sense now.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> We needed to add parameter --network=host to get connections to out
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> local network, but that results a bind error, since we are already 8080
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> in use on our servers. We can figure this out here first...
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> But I'm getting the SPARQL query now.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> So my ontology is now:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> @base         <> . # just for testing
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> @prefix :     <#> .
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> @prefix rdfs: <> .
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> @prefix owl:  <> .
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> @prefix ldt:  <> .
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> @prefix sp:   <> .
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> @prefix spl:  <> .
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> : a ldt:Ontology ;
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>               owl:imports ldt:, sp: ;
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>               rdfs:label "LDT ontology" .
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> :AdminPersonItem a ldt:Template ;
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>                 ldt:match "/{id}" ;
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>                 ldt:query :ConstructAdminPerson ;
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>                 rdfs:isDefinedBy : .
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> :ConstructAdminPerson a sp:Construct ;
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>                 sp:text """
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>                 CONSTRUCT
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>                 FROM <>
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>                 WHERE
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>                 {
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>                     ?this ?p ?o
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>                 }
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>                 """ ;
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>                 rdfs:isDefinedBy : .
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Query URL is
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> http://localhost:8090/
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Resulted SPARQL is
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> BASE    <http://localhost:8090/>
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> CONSTRUCT
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>             {
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> <>
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> ?p ?o .
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>             }
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> FROM <>
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> WHERE
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>             {
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> <>
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>                         ?p  ?o
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>             }
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> So resource id is still double encoded. Perhaps I'm still missing
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> something about the parameter mapping.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> So now I'm bit further and know how to ask right questions :) So we need
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> to be able to send 3 parameters:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 1) Resource URL = in this case person's id
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> (
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 2) Resource type for selecting correct template/SPARQL query. in this
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> case a person.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 3) Access level: how much details are you allowed the query of the person.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> So how are these 3 parameters mapped to the ontology and generated
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> SPARQL - what kind of modifications are needed for the request URL and
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> template ontology? I'm trying to read the examples but not getting this
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> still...
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Br,
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Mikael
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> On 19/09/2019 16:18, Martynas Jusevičius wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Hi Mikael,
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> the -v and -e are docker run options:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> -v specifically mounts a file or folder from the host to the container
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> (which is internally Ubuntu in this case):
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> ENDPOINT, ONTOLOGY etc. are defined in the Processor's Dockerfile
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> and/or entrypoint:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Different Docker images can use ENV variables and mounts in different
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> ways and for different purposes. But if you see a container as a large
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> function, they usually serve as user inputs.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> But Docker and Dockerfiles are large topics on their own :)
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> You could use curl to query an ontology from Fuseki (most likely a
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> different instance than ENDPOINT), store it into a file and then mount
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> it to Processor. Easy to script something like this in bash.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> We also have a Knowledge Graph management system that builds on top of
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Processor and provides a UI, for general RDF as well as ontology
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> editing. But it is not open-source so far -- lets take it off-list if
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> it sounds interesting.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> I need to check how GRAPH_STORE is used and whether it can be made
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> optional. If you don't have one, just provide a bogus (but valid) URL
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> for now, it shouldn't be a problem.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> On Thu, Sep 19, 2019 at 12:08 PM Mikael Pesonen
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> <> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Hi,
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> already some more questions:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> About docker command line parameters, who defines the -e and -v command
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> line parameters? Looking at the document -v displays the docker version.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> -e I'm guessing sets an environment variable but what -v does? Sets some
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> input file locations? Couldn't find the document for those.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> How do I read the template ontologies (any RDF content) from Fuseki
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> endpoint instead of a file(s)?
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> There are separate environment variables for SPARQL and GSP endpoints.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Are both required?
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Mikael
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> On 18/09/2019 16:33, Martynas Jusevičius wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Hurray! Thanks a lot for going through this. If you have any
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> suggestions on how to improve the documentation or the setup, please
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> let me know.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Now you have these basic options:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> - change ENDPOINT/GRAPH_STORE values to your own endpoint URLs
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> - edit wikidata.ttl to change LDT templates (or their URI templates,
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> or their queries)
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> If you have a public SPARQL endpoint, we can try the config here.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Remember that ?this is a "magic" variable in the queries, which is
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> bound to the request URI. So in the case of the example (?this,
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> <http://localhost:8080/birthdays>), although the Wikidata query does
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> not use ?this variable.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> On Wed, Sep 18, 2019 at 3:25 PM Mikael Pesonen
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> <> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Okay now it seems to work except for connection to wikidata as you
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> mentioned earlier:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 18-Sep-2019 13:21:43.730 WARNING [localhost-startStop-1]
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> org.apache.catalina.util.SessionIdGeneratorBase.createSecureRandom
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Creation of SecureRandom instance for session ID generation using
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> [SHA1PRNG] took [162,901] milliseconds.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 18-Sep-2019 13:21:43.742 INFO [localhost-startStop-1]
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> org.apache.catalina.startup.HostConfig.deployDescriptor Deployment of
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> configuration descriptor
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> /usr/local/tomcat/conf/Catalina/localhost/ROOT.xml has finished in
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 164,533 ms
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 18-Sep-2019 13:21:43.745 INFO [main]
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> org.apache.coyote.AbstractProtocol.start Starting ProtocolHandler
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> ["http-apr-8080"]
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 18-Sep-2019 13:21:43.753 INFO [main]
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> org.apache.coyote.AbstractProtocol.start Starting ProtocolHandler
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> ["ajp-apr-8009"]
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 18-Sep-2019 13:21:43.756 INFO [main]
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> org.apache.catalina.startup.Catalina.start Server startup in 164576 ms
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 18-Sep-2019 13:21:43.918 INFO [http-apr-8080-exec-1]
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> com.sun.jersey.server.impl.application.WebApplicationImpl._initiate
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Initiating Jersey application, version 'Jersey: 1.19 02/11/2015 03:25 AM'
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 13:21:44,148 DEBUG Jena:189 - Jena initialization
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 13:21:44,341 DEBUG FileManager:157 - Add location: LocatorFile
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 13:21:44,342 DEBUG FileManager:157 - Add location: ClassLoaderLocator
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 13:21:44,346 DEBUG LocationMapper:152 - Failed to find configuration:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> file:location-mapping.rdf;file:location-mapping.n3;file:location-mapping.ttl;file:etc/location-mapping.rdf;file:etc/location-mapping.n3;file:etc/location-mapping.ttl
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 13:21:44,346 DEBUG FileManager:157 - Add location: LocatorFile
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 13:21:44,348 DEBUG FileManager:157 - Add location: LocatorURL
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 13:21:44,348 DEBUG FileManager:157 - Add location: ClassLoaderLocator
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 13:21:44,354 DEBUG StreamManager:142 - Found: location-mapping.n3
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> (ClassLoaderLocator)
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 13:21:44,731 DEBUG JenaIOEnvironment:119 - Mapping:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> =>
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> com/atomgraph/processor/http-statusCodes.rdf
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 13:21:44,732 DEBUG JenaIOEnvironment:119 - Mapping:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> =>
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> com/atomgraph/processor/ngt.ttl
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 13:21:44,732 DEBUG JenaIOEnvironment:119 - Mapping:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> => com/atomgraph/processor/http.owl
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 13:21:44,733 DEBUG JenaIOEnvironment:119 - Mapping:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> => etc/sp.ttl
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 13:21:44,733 DEBUG JenaIOEnvironment:119 - Mapping:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> => com/atomgraph/processor/ldt.ttl
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 13:21:44,733 DEBUG JenaIOEnvironment:119 - Mapping:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> =>
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> com/atomgraph/processor/http-statusCodes.rdf
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 13:21:44,734 DEBUG JenaIOEnvironment:119 - Mapping:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> => etc/sp.ttl
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 13:21:44,734 DEBUG JenaIOEnvironment:119 - Mapping:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> =>
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> com/atomgraph/processor/tht.ttl
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 13:21:44,736 DEBUG JenaIOEnvironment:119 - Mapping:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> => etc/spin.ttl
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 13:21:44,737 DEBUG JenaIOEnvironment:119 - Mapping:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> => com/atomgraph/processor/ct.ttl
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 13:21:44,737 DEBUG JenaIOEnvironment:119 - Mapping:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> => org/wikidata/ldt.ttl
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 13:21:44,738 DEBUG JenaIOEnvironment:119 - Mapping:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> =>
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> com/atomgraph/processor/sparql-service.owl
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 13:21:44,738 DEBUG JenaIOEnvironment:119 - Mapping:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> => com/atomgraph/processor/void.owl
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 13:21:44,741 DEBUG JenaIOEnvironment:119 - Mapping:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> => etc/spl.spin.ttl
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 13:21:44,741 DEBUG JenaIOEnvironment:119 - Mapping:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> =>
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> com/atomgraph/processor/dh.ttl
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 13:21:44,741 DEBUG JenaIOEnvironment:119 - Mapping:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> => etc/spin.ttl
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 13:21:44,742 DEBUG JenaIOEnvironment:119 - Mapping:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> => com/atomgraph/processor/c.ttl
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 13:21:44,742 DEBUG JenaIOEnvironment:119 - Mapping:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> => com/atomgraph/processor/http.owl
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 13:21:44,742 DEBUG JenaIOEnvironment:119 - Mapping:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> => com/atomgraph/processor/foaf.owl
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 13:21:44,743 DEBUG JenaIOEnvironment:119 - Mapping:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> => com/atomgraph/processor/sioc.owl
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 13:21:44,
>>>> --
>>>> Lingsoft - 30 years of Leading Language Management
>>>> Speech Applications - Language Management - Translation - Reader's and Writer's Tools - Text Tools - E-books and M-books
>>>> Mikael Pesonen
>>>> System Engineer
>>>> e-mail:
>>>> Tel. +358 2 279 3300
>>>> Time zone: GMT+2
>>>> Helsinki Office
>>>> Eteläranta 10
>>>> FI-00130 Helsinki
>>>> Turku Office
>>>> Kauppiaskatu 5 A
>>>> FI-20100 Turku
>> --
>> Lingsoft - 30 years of Leading Language Management
>> Speech Applications - Language Management - Translation - Reader's and Writer's Tools - Text Tools - E-books and M-books
>> Mikael Pesonen
>> System Engineer
>> e-mail:
>> Tel. +358 2 279 3300
>> Time zone: GMT+2
>> Helsinki Office
>> Eteläranta 10
>> FI-00130 Helsinki
>> Turku Office
>> Kauppiaskatu 5 A
>> FI-20100 Turku

Lingsoft - 30 years of Leading Language Management

Speech Applications - Language Management - Translation - Reader's and Writer's Tools - Text Tools - E-books and M-books

Mikael Pesonen
System Engineer

Tel. +358 2 279 3300

Time zone: GMT+2

Helsinki Office
Eteläranta 10
FI-00130 Helsinki

Turku Office
Kauppiaskatu 5 A
FI-20100 Turku

Received on Wednesday, 23 October 2019 09:25:54 UTC