Re: Graphity at SWIB 2014

Video of the presentation:

Feedback is welcome!


On Mon, Nov 10, 2014 at 1:40 PM, Martynas Jusevičius
<> wrote:
> Hey all,
> we will be presenting at this year's Semantic Web in Libraries, taking
> place on 1-3 of December in Bonn, Germany.
> Using Graphity Linked Data Platform for Danish newspaper registry.
> From printed books to Linked Data
> Danish Newspapers is a registry of newspapers with historical and
> factual metadata records. Three printed volumes with metadata about
> danish newspaper publishing were scanned and text optically
> recognized, marking it up using TEI XML schema. The XML was converted
> into XML-based RDF quad format using multiple domain-specific
> vocabularies (SKOS, BIBO, Time ontology etc.) in a custom XSLT
> stylesheet. Rich non-structured text was preserved as XHTML literals,
> with links to images stored as JPG files. The data was stored in Dydra
> cloud triplestore and presented as a Web application that publishes
> Linked Data as well as user-friendly and mobile-ready XHTML. It
> features interactive maps, faceted and text search, autocomplete and
> complex content creation and editing for authenticated users. URI
> templates, SPARQL queries, data quality constraints and access control
> were defined declaratively as RDF data and processed in run-time by
> Graphity platform, while XSLT stylesheets were used to generate a
> customized XHTML layout and facets. Graphity processor is open-source
> and works with any SPARQL 1.1 triplestore, while the commercial
> platform layer provides multi-tenant features such as access control
> and faceted search. Linking with external datasources and alignment
> with standard models were not in scope for this project, as the focus
> was on data conversion, content presentation and data filtering. The
> data can be mapped to generic bibliographic vocabularies such as
> BIBFRAME and EDM using SPARQL Update.
> Martynas

Received on Wednesday, 10 December 2014 10:07:55 UTC