- From: Ignacio Marin <ignacio.marin@fundacionctic.org>
- Date: Tue, 26 Feb 2008 15:44:37 +0100
- To: "Jo Rabin" <jrabin@mtld.mobi>, <public-ddwg@w3.org>
I shall answer this tonite. I have barely had the chance to be connected since I left yesterday's teleconference and my opinion will take some time to be expressed (it will not be only +/-1 or 0). I'll respond in some hours (4 hours more or less, as I will be in a meeting outside CTIC and then in the University doing some teaching) and I hope you'll accept it as being sent today O:-) Regards, Nacho -----Mensaje original----- De: public-ddwg-request@w3.org [mailto:public-ddwg-request@w3.org] En nombre de Jo Rabin Enviado el: martes, 26 de febrero de 2008 8:53 Para: public-ddwg@w3.org Asunto: Final chance, for now, to offer opinion on Simple API [was Continuation of discussion from today's call] What follows is an edited version of what I sent yesterday. Apologies for sending it to the wrong list initially. Aside from Rotan there have been no contributions. For the sake of getting a document ready for the Face to Face I am going to start work later this afternoon on a draft. In the absence of response I will take it as a "+1" to all resolutions except C Alternative 1. Jo Contents: a) what is the signature of the Evidence interface? b) how are underlying PropertyNames to be supported? c) Misc renames for consistency Urgency: The important thing is to resolve this TODAY [that was yesterday] so we can have a substantive draft for discussion in Seoul next week, following which we will issue a First Public Working Draft which "with a fair wind and a following sea" (colloq. = with luck) will also be a Last Call working draft. Other Tasks We also need to have debate on this list as to the wording of the remaining sections of the document - especially Conformance. --- Let's fix the interface first. a) Evidence interface PROPOSED RESOLUTION A: The Evidence interface is void putHTTPHeader(String headerName, String value) String getHTTPHeader(String headerName); Boolean headerExists(String headerName); A factory method is added to SimpleService: Evidence newEvidence(HashMap<String, String> httpHeaders) The reasoning is as follows: The caller needs a way to put evidence into a known object in a standardised way. The API must support HTTP Evidence in the form of (case insensitive) HTTP Header Field name and (case sensitive) HTTP Header Field value, both strings (ASCII stings, actually, but, er, let's leave that point aside unless we have to). The retrieval methods are there so that an object created by some other instantiation method can still be queried by the any implementation, although that might not be very efficiently, it does allow inter working. It is likely that most Java implementations will want to allow the passing of a HashMap<String, String> derived directly e.g. from the jsp infrastructure. However, in general this doesn't work as we can't rely on support of a HashMap<String, String> structure in other environments / languages, so the factory method will probably look different in the IDL. It ought also to be a documentation and conformance point that HTTP Header Field names are treated case insensitively. I think we should call this SimpleEvidence (or HTTPEvidence) to distinguish it from any other sort of evidence. PROPOSED RESOLUTION B: Rename Evidence to SimpleEvidence b) Support for Property Terms distinct from PropertyRefs Rotan has discussed this in clear terms that I could not hope to match [1]. In essence we have 2 proposals, Rotan's which is to overload the semantic of PropertyRef so it can be aspectless, and mine, which is to keep the PropertyName class and add a couple of factory methods - one to PropertyName and the other to SimplePropertyValue, so we don't have to refer to any inheritance relationships between them. PROPOSED RESOLUTION C ALERNATIVE 1: Add a method to SimpleService SimplePropertyValue getPropertyValue(Evidence e, String aspect, SimplePropertyRef propertyRef) where the aspect parameter overrides whatever aspect is present in the propertyRef and throw exceptions appropriately PROPOSED RESOLUTION C ALTERNATIVE 2: PropertyName remains in the API and can be constructed from a PropertyRef by a factory method. A PropertyRef can be created from a PropertyName by a factory method naming the aspect. c) Additional proposed resolutions PROPOSED RESOLUTION D: In SimplePropertyRef rename getName to getPropertyName PROPOSED RESOLUTION E: In SimplePropertyRef rename getAspect to getAspectName PROPOSED RESOLUTION F: In SimpleService rename newPropertyRef methods to newSimplePropertyRef That's it folks - pls send +1s etc. to this list asap Jo
Received on Tuesday, 26 February 2008 14:44:55 UTC