Re: Interests in implementing DDR API

Il giorno 20/nov/07, alle ore 15:34, Rotan Hanrahan ha scritto:

> I certainly hope that all participants in the DDWG who are in a  
> position to do so will provide a DDR API access mechanism adhering  
> to the specifications that we eventually agree, whether or not the  
> products operate as open or closed source. That Martin has  
> indicated [1] an interest in doing this for products within his  
> company is welcome news. I understand that the MyMobileWeb project  
> will be doing likewise, and there is considerable evidence for this  
> given the significant recent contributions from José. This will  
> likely also include a DDR API bridge to WURFL data. Similarly, it  
> is my expectation that products within my domain will also provide  
> DDR API facilities.
> If anyone else wants to mention now their interest in providing an  
> implementation of the DDR API, please feel free to say so on this  
> list.

Am I late to the party?

Of course dotMobi is committed to bring this Rec into reality. I  
would think all the member of this list already know that we are  
working on a device database and that it will be compliant with the  
API Rec and with the Core Vocabulary at a minimum.

We also presented at Mobile Monday London, the PPT [1] is available  
from the event site, let me know if you have problems and I can also  
provide a PDF version.

- Andrea


Received on Wednesday, 21 November 2007 12:17:21 UTC