Re: ISSUE-23 (ContextKeyList): identify method provides only one key or a list of keys? [DDR API Recommendation]

I think that option a) is cleaner and safer

Mobile Web Initiative Device Description Working Group Issue Tracker 
> ISSUE-23 (ContextKeyList): identify method provides only one key or a list of keys?  [DDR API Recommendation]
> Raised by: Jose Manuel Cantera Fonseca
> On product: DDR API Recommendation
> There could be some cases where the same set of HTTP Headers can be identified as different contexts i.e. more than one device / browser can correspond to that set of headers. So in that case what will be the mechanism used by the API for managing that uncertainty:
> a) Return multiple keys to the caller:
> ContextKeyList list = identifyByHttpHeadersExt(HttpHeaders headers);
> The key list could be ordered from the most likely to the less. 
> b) Return a single key to the caller and that key will manage the uncertainty:
> ContextKey key = identifyByHttpHeaders(HttpHeaders headers);
> The implications from the rest of the DDR-API are the following
> In option a) it is impossible that 
> DDR.getPropertyValue(Property,Component) return multiple values because each key is representing only "one context"
> If we go for option b) one key will be representing potentially multiple contexts and the former method could also return a set 

Received on Monday, 19 November 2007 16:17:43 UTC