Re: Observing MWI meetings in Darmstadt

Hi all,

A query posted on the BPWG public list prompts me to write this.

As many of you know, the week of meetings in Darmstadt begins with the 
DDWG, segues into BPWG and then reaches its climax with the POWDER group 
at the end of the week. It is, of course, for Rotan and Dan to make any 
comment on observers in their groups but, subject to Deutsche Telekom's 
hospitality, observers are welcome in the POWDER group. Details of the 
group's work at [1].

We had observers from the world of WAI and Sem Web folk at our ad hoc 
f2f in Boston in January which provided valuable input to the group and 
I'd like to welcome observers to this next f2f too.


(POWDER chair).


Phil Archer
Chief Technical Officer,
Family Online Safety Institute

Received on Monday, 19 March 2007 14:09:57 UTC