A call for DD WG Transparency

Section 10.1 of the DD WG's Charter says:


10.1 Email

A public, archived mailing list <public-ddwg@w3.org> is used to  
conduct technical discussions, publish approved minutes of group  
meetings, track issues relating to material previously made public,  
distribute public versions of documents, conduct public discussion on  
published documents, and for other public communications.

A member-only, archived mailing list <member-ddwg> is used to  
distribute member-only versions of documents, for member-only  
discussion on them, and for other member-only communications.

This WG was announced on December 1 and as of this writing only 1 e- 
mail has been sent to the Public list whereas over 60 e-mails have  
been sent to the Member-only list. Yet a quick scan of the Member  
list shows the WG has had some meetings yet none of the minutes are  

Would someone please clarify why this WG is not operating in "the  
open" as clearly stated in the Charter? For example my interpretation  
of the above Charter fragment implies _all_ meeting minutes will be  


Art Barstow

Received on Thursday, 1 February 2007 12:10:41 UTC