Re: Mobile phone capabilities list?

On 7/27/05, Dale Gonzalez <> wrote:
> In my opinion, this makes IMEI of limited utility.  I guess my view is that
> given all of the challenges associated with collecting and verifying this
> data and the limited number of hours/people available to tackle the problem,
> we would be better served focusing our attention somewhere else.  I love
> WURFL.  I would rather see an open source, formal program for certifying the
> data it provides and closing any gaps between it and "commercial" solutions.
>  Of course, that's just my opinion, I could be wrong. 

This is one of the reasons why the MWI chairs wanted some WURFL
representatives in the WG.

We are here to work together, see what are the benefits of each
system/application, find the lacks and try to do something good.

If WURFL is the best we (developers) can have I'm sure the W3C and the
companies sponsoring the MWI will have a different look at the WURFL
project in the near future.


Andrea Trasatti
Experimental Blog:

Received on Wednesday, 27 July 2005 14:25:39 UTC