[LC-1975] RE: DDR Simple API - Namespaces obsolete reference

Hello José,

Thank you for your comment. We have given this a reference code of 'LC-1975', to be used in any further correspondence. This code will also cover the original message in this thread, appended below.

On behalf of the DDWG,
Rotan Hanrahan,

-----Original Message-----
From: public-ddwg-comments-request@w3.org [mailto:public-ddwg-comments-request@w3.org] On Behalf Of JOSE MANUEL CANTERA FONSECA
Sent: 21 April 2008 15:50
To: JOSE MANUEL CANTERA FONSECA; public-ddwg-comments@w3.org
Subject: RE: DDR Simple API - Namespaces obsolete reference

sorry, better, it should be:


De: public-ddwg-comments-request@w3.org [public-ddwg-comments-request@w3.org] En nombre de JOSE MANUEL CANTERA FONSECA [jmcf@tid.es]
Enviado el: lunes, 21 de abril de 2008 16:35
Para: public-ddwg-comments@w3.org
Asunto: DDR Simple API - Namespaces obsolete reference

This is an editorial comment,

The reference to the XML Namespaces spec is obsolete

It points to http://www.w3.org/TR/1999/REC-xml-names-19990114/

However it should point to:


The same occurs when the NC-Name syntax is referenced on section 3 (http://www.w3.org/TR/1999/REC-xml-names-19990114/#NT-NCName)

Received on Monday, 21 April 2008 14:57:17 UTC