DDR Simple API - requirement for support of Aspect in vocabularies

In the DDR Simple API published draft:


it is said that:

  "Note that the value __NULL may be used where a Vocabulary does not
support the concept of Aspect."

and with respect to the NULL_ASPECT it is also said that:

  "This value is used to support Vocabularies that do not distinguish

However, in section 3 on Vocabularies:


it is said that:

  "Vocabularies *must* declare a default Aspect for each Property [...]"

This seems to be contradictory to the earlier text. If the DDR Simple
API supports the concept of a Null Aspect for use in cases where the
vocabulary does not provide (complete) information on Aspects, then it
has been conceded that it is permitted for such vocabularies to be used.

Proposed remedy:

Change the text in section 3 to say:

  "Vocabularies *should* declare a default Aspect for each Property

On behalf of MobileAware Ltd, Development Team,

Dr Rotan Hanrahan
Chief Innovations Architect

Received on Monday, 14 April 2008 10:23:29 UTC