Creation of other vocabularies in Core Vocabulary Wiki

In the recent discussion about the property submissions that we  
received the group has debated about a few of them that were felt to  
be core by some members and not as such by other members.

The group has agreed that only a small number of properties should be  
part of the vocabulary that is being defined by the group and is  
confirmed to be Core. At the same time the group understands that  
many properties are very important to different individuals,  
companies and businesses. For this reason we have agreed to state  
clearly in the Core Vocabulary note that the scope of our vocabulary  
should be kept small, but at the same time we invite other groups to  
be active and promote new vocabularies that should be complementary  
to the one described by this group.

You can see the changes on the Wiki. This is a first draft, comments  
are welcome:

- Andrea

Received on Thursday, 18 October 2007 15:51:38 UTC