Core Vocabulary Form

Hello everyone,  
At the OMA BT-DPE meeting here in Bangkok, we've been looking at the new
WBS form for vocabulary submissions. DPE is considering using this
mechanism for submitting requests to the vocabulary/ontology.
We've just tried using it to submit a property for the version number of
the operating system on the device. 
We noted that there was no way to suggest a 'component' or class to be
added to the vocabulary. For example, the version number that DPE just
added would naturally live in the 'software component' of the device.
There was no way to suggest that on the form.
DPE suggests an additional field to capture such structural suggestions.
Perhaps that could be discussed in a forthcoming DD meeting?
Best wishes

Received on Monday, 11 June 2007 02:54:50 UTC