- From: Nikos Bikakis <bikakis.nikos@gmail.com>
- Date: Sat, 7 Dec 2019 18:49:29 +0200
- To: undisclosed-recipients: ;
- Message-ID: <fe1c55b4-ad53-6e61-1cb2-8b9dc7f46f76@gmail.com>
Call for Papers BigVis 2020: 3rd International Workshop on Big Data Visual Exploration and Analytics https://bigvis.imsi.athenarc.gr/bigvis2020 March 30, 2020, Copenhagen, Denmark Held in conjunction with the 23rd Intl. Conference on Extending Database Technology & 23rd Intl. Conference on Database Theory (EDBT/ICDT 2020) Information Visualization is nowadays one of the cornerstones of Data Science, turning the abundance of Big Data being produced through modern systems into actionable knowledge. Indeed, the Big Data era has realized the availability of voluminous datasets that are dynamic, noisy and heterogeneous in nature. Transforming a data-curious user into someone who can access and analyze that data is even more burdensome now for a great number of users with little or no support and expertise on the data processing part. Thus, the area of data visualization, visual exploration and analysis has gained great attention recently, calling for joint action from different research areas from the HCI, Computer graphics and Data management and mining communities. In this respect, several traditional problems from these communities such as efficient data storage, querying & indexing for enabling visual analytics, new ways for visual presentation of massive data, efficient interaction and personalization techniques that can fit to different user needs are revisited. The modern exploration and visualization systems should nowadays offer scalable techniques to efficiently handle billion objects datasets, limiting the visual response in a few milliseconds along with mechanisms for information abstraction, sampling and summarization for addressing problems related to visual information over-plotting. Further, they must encourage user comprehension offering customization capabilities to different user-defined exploration scenarios and preferences according to the analysis needs. Overall, the challenge is to offer self-service visual analytics, i.e. enable data scientists and business analysts to visually gain value and insights out of the d! ata as repidly as possible, minimizing the role of IT-expert in the loop. The BigVis workshop aims at addressing the above challenges and issues by providing a forum for researchers and practitioners to discuss, exchange, and disseminate their work. BigVis attempts to attract attention from the research areas of Data Management & Mining, Information Visualization and Human-Computer Interaction and highlight novel works that bridge together these communities. Workshop Topics ------------------------------------ In the context of visual exploration and analytics, topics of interest include, but are not limited to: - Visualization, exploration & analytics techniques for various data types; e.g., stream, spatial, high-dimensional, graph - Human-in-the-loop processing - Human-centered databases - Data modeling, storage, indexing, caching, prefetching & query processing for interactive applications - Interactive machine learning - Interactive data mining - User-oriented visualization; e.g., recommendation, assistance, personalization - Visualization & knowledge; e.g., storytelling - Progressive analytics - In-situ visual exploration & analytics - Novel interface & interaction paradigms - Visual representation techniques; e.g., aggregation, sampling, multi-level, filtering - Scalable visual operations; e.g., zooming, panning, linking, brushing - Scientific visualization; e.g., volume visualization - Analytics in the fields of scholarly data, digital libraries, multimedia, scientific data, social data, etc. - Immersive visualization - Interactive computer graphics - Setting-oriented visualization; e.g., display resolution/size, smart phones, visualization over networks - High performance, distributed & parallel techniques - Visualization hardware & acceleration techniques - Linked Data & ontologies visualization - Benchmarks for data visualization & analytics - Case & user studies - Systems & tools Submissions ------------------------------------ Regular/Short Research papers [up to 8/4 pages] Work-in-progress papers [up to 4 pages] Vision papers [up to 4 pages] System papers and Demos [up to 4 pages] Important Dates ------------------------------------ Submission: January 5, 2020 Notification: January 24, 2020 Camera-ready: January 29, 2020 Workshop: March 30, 2020 Organizing Committee ------------------------------------ David Auber, University Bordeaux, France Nikos Bikakis, University of Ioannina, Greece Panos K. Chrysanthis, University of Pittsburgh, USA George Papastefanatos, ATHENA Research Center, Greece Mohamed Sharaf, United Arab Emirates University, UAE Special Issue ------------------------------------ Extended versions of the best papers of BigVis 2020 will be invited for submission in the Special Issue "Interactive Big Data Visualization and Analytics" of the "Big Data Research Journal", Elsevier (IF: 2.95) Program Committee ------------------------------------ James Abello, Rutgers Univ, USA Demosthenes Akoumianakis, Hellenic Mediterranean Univ, Greece Gennady Andrienko, Fraunhofer, Germany Rick Cole, Tableau Alfredo Cuzzocrea, ICAR-CNR & Univ of Calabria, Italy Danyel Fisher, Honeycomb.io Steffen Frey, Univ of Stuttgart, Germany Giorgos Giannopoulos, ATHENA Research Center, Greece Parke Godfrey, Univ of York, Canada Michael Gubanov, Univ of Texas at San Antonio, USA Silu Huang, Microsoft Christophe Hurter, Ecole Nationale de l’Aviation Civile, France Vana Kalogeraki, Athens Univ of Economics & Business, Greece Eser Kandogan, IBM James Klosowski, AT&T Research Manolis Koubarakis, University of Athens, Greece Zhicheng Liu, Adobe Steffen Lohmann, Fraunhofer, Germany Ioana Manolescu, INRIA & Ecole Polytechnique, France Marios Meimaris, ATHENA Research Center, Greece Silvia Miksch, Vienna Univ of Technology, Austria Davide Mottin, Hasso Plattner Institute, Germany Martin Nöllenburg, Vienna Univ of Technology, Austria Olga Papaemmanouil, Brandeis Univ, USA Paul Parsons, Purdue Univ, USA Laura Po, Unimore, Italy Giuseppe Polese, Univ of Salerno, Italy Alexander Rind, St. Pölten Univ of Applied Sciences, Austria Gerik Scheuermann, Univ of Leipzig, Germany Hans-Jörg Schulz, Aarhus Univ, Denmark Heidrun Schumann, Univ of Rostock, Germany Michael Sedlmair, Univ of Stuttgart, Germany Thibault Sellam, Columbia Univ, USA Bettina Speckmann, Eindhoven Univ of Technology, Netherlands Kostas Stefanidis, Univ of Tampere, Finland Cagatay Turkay, Univ of Warwick, UK Panos Vassiliadis, Univ of Ioannina, Greece Junpeng Wang, Visa Research Chaoli Wang, Univ of Notre Dame, USA Panpan Xu, Bosch Research Kai Xu, Middlesex Univ, UK Hongfeng Yu, Univ of Nebraska-Lincoln, USA
Received on Saturday, 7 December 2019 16:49:38 UTC