- From: Irene Polikoff <irene@topquadrant.com>
- Date: Mon, 29 May 2017 21:05:10 -0400
- To: Dimitris Kontokostas <kontokostas@informatik.uni-leipzig.de>
- Cc: "public-data-shapes-wg@w3.org" <public-data-shapes-wg@w3.org>
- Message-Id: <A68490EF-E1A2-4113-B494-C81900ECBD31@topquadrant.com>
> On May 29, 2017, at 9:31 AM, Dimitris Kontokostas <kontokostas@informatik.uni-leipzig.de> wrote: > > >> / {} # this is a nested node shape >> / -> ex:fooShape . # reference >> / nodeKind=sh:IRI # put all constraints inline and end with a '.' >> /ex:parent {} # this is a property shape, path is provided, >> /ex:parent -> ex:fooShape2 # reference >> ^ex:child nodeKind=IRI [2..2] . # put all constraints inline and end with a '.' >> } >> >> where inline definitions could have more limited expressivity than nested ones {} >> >> Also the example in the document is confusing e.g. >> ex:ssn xsd:string [0..1] pattern="^\\d{3}-\\d{2}-\\d{4}$" . >> ex:worksFor IRI ex:Company [0..*] . >> >> is there a specific order in which people are supposed to put constraints? >> how would the parser know how to correctly treat xsd:string / ex:Company as datatype and class respectively? >> e.g what would the following produce? >> ex:ssn xsd:string . >> ex:worksFor ex:Company . > For some constraint components there is a requirement to say property=value such as pattern="^\\d{3}-\\d{2}-\\d{4} or maxLength=5 But some are “elevated” so that they do not require a property name before them. This includes cardinality i.e., we do not say: minCount=2 maxCount=2 and, instead, say: [2..2] There is a parseable syntax here which allows for more compactness. The same is true for nodeKind, class and datatype. We could say nodeKind=IRI, as you are suggesting, but why? It seems to be sufficient to simply say IRI or BlankNode No other constraint components could be using these parameter values, so it is easy to understand that this is a value for the nodeKind. Same with datatype and class. Of course, alternatively, the syntax could always insist that the parameter must be there, so one had to say >> ex:worksFor nodekind=IRI class=ex:Company minCount=0 maxCount=* . instead of >> ex:worksFor IRI ex:Company [0..*] . But this would be considerably less compact as datatype, class and cardinality values will probably be most commonly specified constraints. Perhaps, followed by nodeKind. Giving them a special treatment in the interest of the compact syntax being compact, I think, is warranted and easy enough. If anything, a possible improvement may be to see if any other properties could be possibly removed.
Received on Tuesday, 30 May 2017 01:05:45 UTC