Uploading the TTL and JSON-LD files

I guess this is mostly for Sandro:

1) We do have a TTL file of the SHACL system namespace and I believe 
this file (and possibly other RDF syntaxes such as RDF/XML) should be 
uploaded to the namespace URL, with proper context negotiation.

     Graph URI: http://www.w3.org/ns/shacl# (yes, it includes the #)
     File: https://github.com/w3c/data-shapes/blob/gh-pages/shacl/shacl.ttl

What is the procedure to get this up there?

2) Pano had kindly contributed the JSON-LD context


I have (for testing) uploaded it to

     URL: http://shacl.org/context.json

and it works nicely, e.g. try

     "@context" : [
             "ex" : "http://example.org/ns#"
     "@id" : "ex:PersonShape",
     "@type" : "NodeShape",
     "targetClass" : "ex:Person",
     "property" : [
             "path" : "ex:ssn",
             "maxCount" : 1,
             "datatype" : "xsd:string" ,
             "pattern" : "^\\d{3}-\\d{2}-\\d{4}$"
             "path" : "ex:worksFor",
             "class" : "ex:Company",
             "nodeKind" : "sh:IRI"
     "closed" : true,
     "ignoredProperties" : [ "rdf:type" ]

Where else should we place this file and how do other WGs do this? I 
don't want to "steal" this for the shacl.org domain (which TQ hosts as a 
community resource), although I do believe that the URL is quite easy to 

With files on W3C servers, what happens after the WG terminates - will 
someone keep the ability to update them in case we find scope for 


Received on Thursday, 23 March 2017 06:38:01 UTC