Re: Decomposing shapes

* Dimitris Kontokostas <> [2016-10-13 14:47+0300]
> There have been quite a few talks lately about what is a shape, focus
> nodes, referenced shapes, filters etc and most boil down to how shapes are
> used and different roles shapes take
> e.g. as a simple shape, as a filter shape, constraining shape (in sh:shape,
> sh:or, etc)
> One idea to fix this that came up after yesterday's telco with Karen was to
> differentiate these cases as follows
> A shape is a constraint with optional targets (currently shape is a
>  subclass of Constraint so this is true anyway)
> All other cases will be referring to constraints, not shapes
> e.g. the range of a filter is a constraint, not a shape
> similar the range of sh:shape is again a constraint as for sh:and, sh:or,
> sh:qualifiedShape
> this fixes the problems of what we do with targets of a shape when that
> shape is referenced from another shape. With this change, the reference
> will be only to constraints, not shapes.
> This will require the renaming of some SHACL Core constructs but I believe
> it will improve the language.
> e.g. sh:filterShape could be renamed to sh:filterConstrain, sh:filter,
> sh:condition
> sh:shape to sh:constraint
> sh:qualifiedValueShape to qualifiedValueConstraint
> (sh:not/or/and are not affected)
> Any feedback is welcome

In the abstract syntax, I made an effort to follow the SHACL terminology:
Schemas and Shapes
  Schema := shapes:Set[Shape]
  Shape := label:IRI|BNode, targets:Set[Target], filters:Set[Shape], constraints:Set[Test]
  Test := Constraint|Algebraic
  Constraint := NodeConstraint|PathConstraint
  NodeConstraint := parms:Set[Parameter]
  PathConstraint := path:SPARQLPropertyPath, parms:Set[Parameter]
  Parameter := UnaryParameter | NaryParameter
Unary Parameters
  UnaryParameter := NodeKind | In | Class | Datatype | MinLength | MaxLength | Pattern
                  | Stem | MinInclusive | MinExclusive | MaxInclusive | MaxExclusive
		  | LessThanEquals | LessThan | Equals | Disjoint | HasShape
RDF term type of value node
  NodeKind := kind:"IRI"|"blank node"|"literal"
RDF term equivalence
  In := vals:Set[RDF term]
  Class := t:IRI
  Datatype := dt:IRI
XML Schema string facets
  MinLength := ref:numeric
  MaxLength := ref:numeric
  Pattern := pat:RDFLiteral, flagstr:RDFLiteral
  Stem := str:RDFLiteral
XML Schema numeric facets
  MinInclusive := ref:RDFLiteral
  MinExclusive := ref:RDFLiteral
  MaxInclusive := ref:RDFLiteral
  MaxExclusive := ref:RDFLiteral
  Comparison with specified property
  LessThanEquals := siblingProp:RDFLiteral
  LessThan := siblingProp:RDFLiteral
  Equals := siblingProp:RDFLiteral
  Disjoint := siblingProp:RDFLiteral
Nested shape constraints
  HasShape := nested:Shape
N-ary Parameters
  NaryParameter := UniqueLang | HasValue | MinCount | MaxCount | QualifiedMinCount
                 | QualifiedMaxCount | QualifiedValueShape
  UniqueLang := b:boolean
RDF term equivalence
  HasValue := val:RDF term
  MinCount := ref:numeric
  MaxCount := ref:numeric
  QualifiedMinCount := ref:numeric
  QualifiedMaxCount := ref:numeric
  QualifiedValueShape := nested:Shape
Logical operators
  Algebraic := And|Or|Not
  And := shapes:Set[Shape]
  Or := shapes:Set[Shape]
  Not := shape:Shape
  Target := TargetNode|TargetClass|TargetSubjectsOf|TargetObjectsOf
  TargetNode := node:IRI|literal|BNode
  TargetClass := type:IRI
  TargetSubjectsOf := predicate:IRI
  TargetObjectsOf := predicate:IRI 

I think it would be greatly improved if we renamed
as what are currently called constraints select a bunch of triples which
are then constrained by "parameters".

It would look like this:
Schemas and Shapes
  Schema := shapes:Set[Shape]
  Shape := label:IRI|BNode, targets:Set[Target], filters:Set[Shape], selectors:Set[Test]
  Test := Selector|Algebraic
  Selector := NodeSelector|PathSelector
  NodeSelector := parms:Set[Constraint]
  PathSelector := path:SPARQLPropertyPath, parms:Set[Constraint]
  Constraint := UnaryConstraint | NaryConstraint
Unary Constraints
  UnaryConstraint := NodeKind | In | Class | Datatype | MinLength | MaxLength | Pattern
                  | Stem | MinInclusive | MinExclusive | MaxInclusive | MaxExclusive
		  | LessThanEquals | LessThan | Equals | Disjoint | HasShape
RDF term type of value node
  NodeKind := kind:"IRI"|"blank node"|"literal"
RDF term equivalence
  In := vals:Set[RDF term]
  Class := t:IRI
  Datatype := dt:IRI
XML Schema string facets
  MinLength := ref:numeric
  MaxLength := ref:numeric
  Pattern := pat:RDFLiteral, flagstr:RDFLiteral
  Stem := str:RDFLiteral
XML Schema numeric facets
  MinInclusive := ref:RDFLiteral
  MinExclusive := ref:RDFLiteral
  MaxInclusive := ref:RDFLiteral
  MaxExclusive := ref:RDFLiteral
  Comparison with specified property
  LessThanEquals := siblingProp:RDFLiteral
  LessThan := siblingProp:RDFLiteral
  Equals := siblingProp:RDFLiteral
  Disjoint := siblingProp:RDFLiteral
Nested shape selectors
  HasShape := nested:Shape
N-ary Constraints
  NaryConstraint := UniqueLang | HasValue | MinCount | MaxCount | QualifiedMinCount
                 | QualifiedMaxCount | QualifiedValueShape
  UniqueLang := b:boolean
RDF term equivalence
  HasValue := val:RDF term
  MinCount := ref:numeric
  MaxCount := ref:numeric
  QualifiedMinCount := ref:numeric
  QualifiedMaxCount := ref:numeric
  QualifiedValueShape := nested:Shape
Logical operators
  Algebraic := And|Or|Not
  And := shapes:Set[Shape]
  Or := shapes:Set[Shape]
  Not := shape:Shape
  Target := TargetNode|TargetClass|TargetSubjectsOf|TargetObjectsOf
  TargetNode := node:IRI|literal|BNode
  TargetClass := type:IRI
  TargetSubjectsOf := predicate:IRI
  TargetObjectsOf := predicate:IRI 

Of course, we could do this in the abstract-syntax doc, but I think
this would improve readability for the SHACL doc as well as make it
easier for folks writing code or papers about it.

> Best,
> Dimitris
> -- 
> Dimitris Kontokostas
> Department of Computer Science, University of Leipzig & DBpedia Association
> Projects:,,
> Homepage:
> Research Group: AKSW/KILT


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