shapes-ISSUE-132 (sh:predicate in constraints): sh:predicate is used in many constraints but not always available [SHACL - Core]

shapes-ISSUE-132 (sh:predicate in constraints): sh:predicate is used in many constraints but not always available [SHACL - Core]

Raised by: Peter Patel-Schneider
On product: SHACL - Core

The SHACL spec currently defines several constraints, including sh:class,
with wording like

A validation result must be produced for each triple that has the focus node
as its subject, the sh:predicate as its predicate and where ...

However, there might not be any predicate involved at all, for example where
a sh:class is in a sh:constraint constraint in a shape that is invoked directly from a scope.

Received on Monday, 7 March 2016 23:51:04 UTC