- From: Richard Cyganiak <richard@cyganiak.de>
- Date: Thu, 19 Mar 2015 13:36:19 +0000
- To: public-data-shapes-wg@w3.org
Here’s some input that might be relevant to the discussion about human-readable validation reports. This is part of a validator for R2RML documents, implemented in Java. R2RML documents are often authored by hand in Turtle. Therefore, to be helpful, a validator must provide concrete, detailed and specific error messages. I think that most of what this particular validator does, should be doable in SHACL. The following file contains all the error messages that the validator can generate: https://github.com/d2rq/d2rq/blob/develop/src/org/d2rq/validation/Message.java Some of these are “high-level” stuff, where one could imagine the error message being hardcoded in the SHACL processor, for example: DUPLICATE_VALUE(Level.Error, "Duplicate value for {property}", "The resource {resource} has multiple values for {property} ({objects}); only one is allowed.”), But most are specific to R2RML, and the human-readable error message would have to be supplied in the SHACL document for R2RML, for example: INVALID_COLUMN_NAME(Level.Error, "Malformed column name {string}", "Malformed column name {string} in property {property} of {resource}: {details}.”), ONLY_ALLOWED_IF_TERM_TYPE_LITERAL(Level.Error, "{property} not allowed for this term type”, "The property {property} is only allowed on term maps that generate literals, but the rr:termType of {resource} is not rr:Literal.”), POSSIBLE_UNSAFE_SEPARATOR_IN_IRI_TEMPLATE(Level.Warning, "Possible unsafe separator in IRI template”, "Column references in the {property} of {resource} ({object}) are separated by a possibly unsafe delimiter. It is recommended that IRI sub-delim characters are used to delimit column references in IRI templates."), For reference, each validation message has the following fields: Level level; String messageTitle; String messageTemplate; Resource subject; List<Property> predicates; List<RDFNode> objects; String detailCode; String details; Best, Richard
Received on Thursday, 19 March 2015 13:36:44 UTC